CHAPTER 15: "Be Your Everything"

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*Be your forever, be your fling, baby I will be your everything*

"Bae will you be my everything? Lizzie asked Red. Red looked at her confused and kissed her temple lovingly "of course sweetheart; I'll be your shelter, I've been your storm, I made you shiver and you know I can make you warm; and no matter what the weather may be, I'll be yours and yours alone. I'll be your forever, I'll be your fling, sweetie I will be your everything." Red said earnestly and smiled at her; Lizzie smiled back and kissed his chest "that's nice, me too... I can be your shelter, you've weathered my storm; I have made you shiver too..." She said poking into his ribs "...but I'll always make sure to keep you warm; wherever were heading I'm all yours too...and if you'll have me, I'll be your forever too, or your fling...and I promise to be your everything." She smiled up at him. Red scrunched up his nose "we are so cheesy..." Lizzie stuck her tongue out at him and kissed him soundly.

Red has decided that Elizabeth Keen is his sun and he's her stars. She shines so bright in his life. Without her, it seems like he's stuck in darkness and she's his only way to get back to the light. Because she is the light. She's the thing in his life that shines the brightest and seems to always find a way to make things brighter. She was the sun that he didn't deserve. And he was her stars. Scattered about her sky, brightening up her life every time that he came into it. He was her stars, shining radiantly and brilliantly whenever she looked at him. The stars didn't deserve the sun. And the sun deserved better than the stars. So why was the sun, his sun, trying to be with the stars? It was impossible. Because nobody ever saw the sun and the stars together at the same time. But, she was impossible and she made impossible things happen. And as for him, he was impossible too. Her impossible man. So maybe, against all odds, the sun and the stars could be together. Because they were impossible.

Now here she his, his sun, laying in his arms, her legs intertwined with his. He looks down at her and realizes that even when she's sleeping she shines. He's pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, smiling and pulling her closer to him. She's fidgeting around slightly now, her breathes becoming less shallow. She's moaning slightly, burying her face into his chest. He's smiling, kissing the top of her head.

'Good morning, Sweetheart' he whispers.

She's nuzzling into his chest, humming in response. Now she's wrapping her arms around him and laughing lightly. She looks up at him. She's shining, her smile seeming to brighten up everything around her. Then she's moving her head up closer to his, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. Her lips linger on his for a moment, just long enough for him to cup her cheek and kiss her again. This time, the kiss is less chaste, the chasteness is replaced by hunger. He's kissing her hungrily, planting a hand firmly on her hip. Then she's whimpering, pulling away from the kiss, resting her forehead on his.

'Too early,' She's whispering.

Then he's nodding, planting one more gentle kiss on her lips and then sitting up. She's pushing herself and reaching for his wrist.

'Where're you going?' She's asking, a hint of sadness in her voice.

'Breakfast,' He's replying simply, looking back at her and smiling.

Then she's laughing quietly, moving over to him and wrapping her arms around him from behind. He's fidgeting around, telling her that he's not the hugging type. Then she's laughing louder, kissing the crook of his neck and hugging him tighter. And that's when he realises something. The sun is not her in general. The sun is every little thing that she's done or will do. The sun is every little thing about her that he notices. The sun is all of her. Everything about her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her bravery. Her kindness towards others. Every little thing that makes her, her. That is what makes her his sun.

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