CHAPTER 13: "Stuck On You"

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*I'm mighty glad you stayed*

Red woke up, feeling a rather heavy weight on his chest. Slowly bringing himself back into the world of the living, he recalled the events of the night before. He replayed the scenes before his eyes; how he had awoke From his nightmares, and altogether restored his memory just before they started making love. And then the highlight of it all, they made love all thought out the nights and until the wee hours of the morning. His hands slowly reached it for the woman who was lying half on top of him; tenderly he brushed away the hair falling from her eyes, and looked down at her marveling her beauty and thinking to himself how lucky he is to have her beside him, or rather on top of him. He kissed her temple tenderly and whispered in her ear; "I'm glad you stayed sweetheart...I love you..." He said and in her sleep she gave him a small smile and burrowed deeper into his warm embrace.

-line break-

"Good morning, Lizzie."

She blinked her eyes unsure of how he knew she was staring at him. His eyes were closed and she couldn't even hear him breathing. Maybe he was sleeping talking...

A grin rose on her face as she snuggled down further in the sheet, embarrassed of getting caught. "How did you know?"

He opened his eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light. "Your breathing changed."

"That's creepy."

"Coming from the one watching me sleep." His voice was husky and full of sleep.

She grinned again and he bathed in the sight of her cheeky smile. Her hand crept out from under the sheet and she ran it gently up his side around to his back. She didn't tell him, not wanting to sound weird but she liked touching his scars, softly trailing her fingertips over the burnt skin. She wanted to comfort him. And even though it was still hard to comprehend, he saved her and she needed to give a little something back.

"It's raining," Red murmured.

"Well done, Sherlock."

He let out an amused breath. "Lizzie, you're very playful this morning." His hand reached out and brushed the hair falling over her eyes. He was relieved to see her with him still. After everything said last night, basically everything about him, she had the right to call it off. "What on earth has gotten into you?"

She moved closer to him and kissed him warmly on the lips. "You."

His heart soared and he gave her one of those smiles that told her she was really, really something else. She maneuvered herself carefully on top of him, her kisses long and slow as she rolled him properly onto his back. He grunted in response and she relished in the sound.

She grabbed his face in her hands gently running her finger down his cheek. His breathing grew louder and she knew now that he was definitely awake. She loved the warm feeling settling in her stomach and the way her heart seemed to skip a few beats when she kissed him. The piercing noise of her alarm however, took over her senses and she regrettably rolled off him taking the sheet with her.

"What are you doing?"

"I have a job," she told him. "And I need a shower."

He watched her climb off the bed and walk towards her wardrobe, the sheet clinging around her body though draping mostly on the ground.

"Lizzie, no," he replied stubbornly, she just ruined a wonderful moment. "I think you should stay in bed."

She took a step out of the wardrobe and looked at him. "Tempting but I'm not sure Cooper would be too impressed." She stepped back into the wardrobe, flipping through her coat hangers to decide what to wear. "Especially if he knew who I was with...and what I was doing with them," she said a little louder so he could hear her.

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