Chapter - iv

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It was almost midnight when the six Slytherins and their two guests walked towards their rooms to sleep.
Every Slytherin dorm had at least two people in it. They really take self-preservation to a whole another level. Thought Ruby before entering Severus' room.

Severus lived alone in a dorm, because he was the only half blood Slytherin in his year. And all the half bloods get their own rooms.

The other three half blood where in,3rd,1st and 7th years.

"Severus, have you ever thought about changing schools?" Asked the older of the two while faceplanting onto the bed. Severus thought about it for some time before answering,"Now that you mentioned it about two times I would say and they were both in my fourth year. Why do you ask?" He sat besides the still faceplated blonde.

Ruby faced the raven haired teenager, hugging him by the waiste before signing,"It's just you have been suffering so much here love. And it hurts not being able to help, if you would had told me about this earlier i would have had arranged something for you. At least you wouldn't have  your life in dangerous."

Severus played with the blonde hair smiling slightly, "Nothing has happened to me till now, I think I'll do just fine for two more years. Plus you already have too much on your plate right now and i shouldn't give you more work by complaining like a toddler."   "You should learn to complain more kid" Ruby joked while hugging the latter more close.

"You know something Snape?" Ruby asked sitting up from his position. The shorter male raised an eyebrow at the last name."What Mr.Perfect?" He asked back while pulling the taller's collar to put both of them on the same eye level.

The older grinned before answering and winking at him,"Nobody teases me about being a flirt when we are alone" Severus let go off the other's collar pushing him away playfully. "That's because they don't know you can get more shameless in private."

The blonde laughed tackling the young Slytherin to bed and tickling him. "Is that so? Then maybe tomorrow when we meet them you should tell them how shameless I am, don't you think you little *****." "I–*Wheeze* O–Ok!*Hah* Y—You kno–*Stop!* what! I'll j–just do th—at! Hahahahaha *S–Stop Stop! Please! I–I su—rrender" Ruby stopped tickling the shorter after a while. He pulled back from the Slytherin giving him some time to catch his breath.

The blonde looked at the other's face taking in his appearance. Severus was panting trying to catch his breath, his cheeks flushed a pretty red, a little sweat on his forehead and his dark hair framing his face perfectly. Damn. Severus if you look like that people would want to bully you↑. Severus looked down at the blonde.You look so...ravi– Ruby's thoughts were cut short after Severus started speaking again.

"Now get off me you prat."

"No. I am very comfortable here." Ruby said from were his face was on Snape's abdomen, nuzzling into it more. "Ruby you do realise you are moving to much." Severus reminded the older while covering his face with his hands. Ruby couldn't see his face but he did see the red eyes of the smaller boy.

His eyes darkened. "Severus."

Severus really wanted to die of embarrassment when he heard the low almost inaudible "Severus" he shivered feeling his face heating up more. Merlin, how I love that voice. "Severus" this time the voice was louder. "Y-Yes my Love."  He squeaked back. He felt the taller shift from his position and hover over him.

He felt the blonde pulling both his hands from his face. "Open your eyes darlin'." The elder purred not figuratively but literally that man purred. Severus slowly opened his right eye keeping the other shut.

He could see the other's expression now. It's like he wanted to devour him whole. Severus felt another shiver running down his spine at the mere thought.

He opened his other eye as well Ruby had pinned both his hands right next to his face. He moved one of his leg between Severus' legs. Snape could feel the other's breath on his lips. He didn't move. Thinking about how if he moved a little they would kiss. His eyes were half lidded.

"Severus," The man above him started,"May I kiss you?" He asked. Severus stared at the other with half lidded eyes answering his question. "Yes."

It looked like it was all the answer the other needed before attaching the smaller's lips. It was sweet and gentle and a bit passionate. The blonde licked his lower lip asking for permission. Severus opened his mouth granting him his wish, Ruby's hands that were holding the other's arm in place move to his backside and head.

Severus moved his now free hands to the blondes back. He moaned into the kiss, tears forming in his eyes.

Ruby pulled back hearing the moan. "Severus *hah* are you alright love?" He asked taking in the other's appearance. Flushed face, huffing to catch his breath again, his lips looked glossy and red Ruby wanted to bite them,and lastly there were tears in his dark eyes.

Ruby licked his own lips trying to get the images floating in his head away. He needed to make sure Severus was well first.

After a while when Severus finally calm downed, he whispered a "Fine."

The older of the two got off the other making Severus whine from the lack of warmth. Ruby witnessing this chuckled. Pulling a blanket over them and switch off the lights with a snap of his fingers.

"Sleep now Sev. We have a big day tomorrow." He pulled the shorter towards his spooning him "Night my love."

"Good night Ruby." Severus signed falling asleep.

One more thing

↑ When I wrote 'people would want to bully you ' it meant people might start liking you and would wanna have sex with you.

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