Chapter 1: What am I Doing Outside my Bedroom?

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Be warned, this chapter will contain topics relating to depression, and suicidal ideations
And yeah, the title is referencing a song, shut up


Despite the festive cheer that filled the air, Mk found himself unable to shake off the heavy weight that seemed to be crushing his usually optimistic spirit. His room, usually filled with sunlight and warmth that always cheered him up in the past with happy memories now felt suffocatingly dark and gloomy. The monkey plush that he clung onto tightly felt like the only comfort he had left in the world.

After a long and busy week, Mk was simply drained. The thought of getting out of bed and facing the world seemed daunting and overwhelming. As he lay in bed, thoughts raced through his mind; should he train, hang out with his friends, or just do something simple like go for a walk? Finally, Mk made the decision to do absolutely nothing today.

They wont train.

They won't hang out with their friends.

All he can and will do is lay on his mattress and let his thoughts consume him.

Mk's phone had been constantly buzzing all day, but he had made a conscious decision to ignore every message and call coming through. He simply couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone at the moment. As the day dragged on, the incessant noise of his phone slowly drove him insane. Eventually, he reached his breaking point and decided to shut it off, tossing it carelessly onto the floor, Maybe they'll all forget I exist forever. Mk's mind taunted him. The weight of his emotions had become too much to bear, and he needed to be alone.

Turning away from the world, he faced the wall and allowed the tears to flow freely down his cheeks. His mind was consumed by his overwhelming emotions, making it difficult for him to find any respite. As the hours ticked by, he gradually drifted off into a troubled sleep, hoping that when he woke up, he would feel better.

As the night wore on, Mk's slumber was interrupted by the sound of his window slowly creaking open. The abrupt noise startled him, causing him to jump out of bed and tumble onto the floor with a thud. He groaned in pain as he rubbed his head, trying to shake off the drowsiness that had enveloped him. When he looked up, he was surprised to see Mei's face peering in through his window, a playful grin on her lips. Mk felt a rush of emotions as he stared at his friend, feeling both embarrassed and relieved. Mei's playful giggle echoed through the room, "Sorry! Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you so bad!" she apologized. Despite her apology, Mk could see the concern etched on Mei's face as she looked at him. He knew that she had been trying to contact him for a while now, but he was barely awake, he couldn't even try to care.

leaping into Mk's room, Mei steps up to her friend and crouching down next to them. "I just wanted to check in on you, you haven't been answering my messages." Mei rubbed the back of her neck and looks away from Mk, as if she was embarrassed to admit she was worried... Mk gives a half-nod as he thought to himself.

Mei is one of his best friends, surely they could trust her enough to share how he's been feelings.


Mk looked up at her with a blank expression, as if he was lost in thought. He couldn't think of what to say on the spot, which only had Mei worrying for them even more than before.

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