17 | trip down memory lane

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A field trip was arranged to the Pulan central beach for Grade 10, to boost the students' spirits for the upcoming year filled with stress and studies. The class teachers and an addition subject teacher, assigned to each class, was to accompany the students in the short trip. 

Anu, sat next to a teacher who ranted about her husbands' snoring problem and many other things. Anu listened to her, entertained. 

The 10 A and B students were seated further back, eating snacks and being rowdy. Anu glanced the seat next to theirs. Vineet and Shrest sat, in utter silence. Shrest gazing out the window, earphones plugged in and Vineet, leafing through an exercise booklet.

Anu felt it, strange. Shrest was always a quiet, grumpy kid who was riled up easily. But, now...he was too quiet. Too calm. She felt it was a little sad. He didn't talk to her like he used to. She sighed to herself and huffed. That was called growing up, after all.

The bus reached the parking spot. The kids filtered out of the bus, laughing and chatting. The teachers kept a concerned eye on the kids, who had already begun roaming and wandering around.

"Kids, don't go too far. Shayana, where are you going? Wait, Advait-" The teacher, who had been sitting next to her, had already begun chasing after some of them.

Anu glanced at 10 A. All the kids were huddled in a corner and discussing something. Immediately, she grew alert. They were definitely up to no good. 

She quietly walked up to them and tried to listen in. 

Vihan, the leader of the crowd, announced, "So we'll go this way and divert the strict guy's attention. When we do that, Misha can go around to the store and start buying things. Then, a few minutes later, Pritham will come around and help with carrying the things and we'll form a crowd round you guys to hide the bag-"

"What a detailed plan." Anu commented aloud.

The crowd of students froze. They turned around to see her, watching them with a grin. Vineet had, by now, noticed the crowd and Anuradha, and was trudging up to them.

"What's going on?"

Anu smiled at him and glanced again at the kids.

"Kids, if you want something, I'll buy it for you. Tell me what you want."

The crowd grew completely silent. Then, the chorus of praises began.

"Anu ma'am, you're an angel."

"Yes, you've been sent by heaven."

"You're a divine entity-"

"Just tell me what you want." Anu retorted, pulling out her purse.

Vihan spoke up. "We had been planning to get ice cream for all of us." Anu nodded, "I'll get it for you." 

Anu trudged towards a nearby shop. After buying nearly 26 ice creams, she carried the heavy bags, out and signaled towards the students to pick up what they want.

She left the students, who were happily devouring ice cream and padded closer to the shore. A rush of memories gripped her mind and held it hostage. She was unable to think of anything else. She remembered how Maya, herself and Vineet had played around on his birthday in the waters and the photos they took.  

She pulled out her phone and opened Maya's contact. 


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