28 | parents' interrogation

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After a busy October, during the festival holidays, Anu and Vineet decided to go on a date together.

They went on a picnic to Pulan Central Beach. As they strolled around, holding hands, Anu commented out loud, 

"This is something I thought about for a long time..."

Vineet looked at her.

"I'm so thankful. I'm not sure what am I thankful towards, though. The chance that I meet my first love again in the same city, in the same job, again as neighbors. How crazy is that! It's a bit weird I'm only realizing it, but I think the weight of the realization is just hitting me."

"I don't think it's a coincidence, completely." Vineet said. "You said before Maya had mentioned the job opening to you."

"Yeah." Anu nodded, confused as to what he was insinuating.

"Maya knew that I was here."

A pause.

Anu's eyes widened. "You don't mean..."

"I think she asked you to take on the job, on purpose."

Anu's mouth was wide open. She stood still on her spot. "Why did I never realize this?"

Vineet smiled softly. "I realized it as soon as I saw you introducing yourself. It had to be Maya's work."

Anu took a few steps forward. "That means...you had been in touch with her these past few years?"

Vineet nodded. 

Anu blinked. "And she never told me a word."

They chose a spot and set their lunches and blanket on there.

"The kids has their pre-boards coming soon. I'm a bit worried." Anu sighed, as she bit into her sandwich.

"They'll do fine."

"But the board agency's preboards are always so tough."

"If they don't do well in that, that's ok. They'll find the boards easy, in any case."

Anu's mouth drew into a thin line. "I'm still worried."

"What a worrywart."

Anu playfully glared at him.

After the little date, they went back home. Vineet followed her into her house. "You rarely ever come over to my house. It's always me coming over to yours-"

Suddenly, she was turned around and kissed.


Another kiss.


Again, a kiss.

"You just want to shut me up, don't you?"

Vineet laughed.

"You looked very pretty today."

Anu had dressed up for the date, wearing a bun and a pretty white dress. She smiled. "Thank you. What snacks do you want to have-"

"Hm." He looked at her.

Anu raised an eyebrow, in confusion.

He just continued watching her, leaning against her sofa chair.

"You don't want snacks?"

"I do."


Anu's eyes widened. She hit him with the small pillow on the couch. "You pervert!"

He laughed, his shoulders shaking. He pushed the pillow back on her. A pillow fight ensued.

Outside her house, stood her parents and Nina Gupta. It had so happened that the parents had been wanting to check in on their children, who hadn't dropped by their houses in awhile. 

"Oh? Nina?"

Anita asked, pointing a finger in her direction. Nina stared with wide eyes. "Anita?"

"You here?"

"You here?"

The two ladies laughed, good-naturedly.

"My son lives here."

"My daughter lives here."

They said at the same time.

Suddenly, they had a realization. Their children had been neighbors this entire time and  had never mentioned a word about it to them.

They sent pleasant smiles in each other's direction.

"What a co-incidence!"

Suddenly they heard laughter filled with delight, coming from Anu's house. Anita sighed. "I've told her not to laugh so loud. She's at the age of marriage. I'm afraid if people hear her laughter they will all get scared away and she will never get married."

Nina smirked to herself. She would now ensure Vineet gets married to Anu. That dear girl, one of the only ever girls who had managed to impress her, was now right next to his house. If this is not fate, then what is?

Anu's parents had a spare key to her house, much to her misfortune. When they opened the door, they found Vineet on top of Anu, with a pillow in his hand, staring at the door.

Nina, who had been behind the two parents, also stared at the scene.

Looks like she didn't need to do any meddling.

After a while, the pillows were re-arranged and put in order. Vineet and Anu sat side-by-side, facing Nina and Anu's parents. Anu's father, eyed Vineet. His conclusion after a thorough analysis was the boy was good-natured and looked mature enough.

"So, you two are dating?" Anita asked, sipping her tea.

Anu nodded, obediently.

"How long?"

She glanced at Vineet. "Around 3-4 months now."

A pause.

"3 months?! And you never told us?"

"Well..." Anu had no excuse.

After a dinner together, Vineet and his mother went to his house while Anu's parents stayed at her own.

"I'm disappointed that you hid this from us, Anu." Her mother commented, while watching a soap opera.

Anu glanced at her, pouting. "I didn't deliberately hide it from you. We decided to take it slow and keep it a secret from everyone, since we were both teachers-"

"But I'm still your parent."

"I know... I'm sorry."

The mother had one weakness. She couldn't stay mad at Anu for a long time. After a reconciliatory hug, the two continued watching TV. The father quietly whispered to Anu, "That boy, I have to admit, I can't find a single bad thing on him."

The father was a bit irritated and pleased about it.

Anu smiled. Of course! Vineet was a catch, after all!

word count: 855 words

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