Sam's story

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Hi *from the writer*
This story has been stuck in my head for so long. I just wanted to share it with you all. hope you all will also like it.
This is my first ever story that I am confident about I have so many more draft story but don't know will any one like them so yeh

Hope you all enjoy

This is my first time ever so there might be mistakes so

It's a word that does exist in the world but not in my world. Some say love gives you power to live, fight and many more but in my world it's just 'loyalty' we just have to stay loyal to the person who is good to you.

Name :-Samantha moeve
Job:- currently a student of business but originally is a part of underground gang.
Weight:- 58 kg
Hight:- 5.10 feet
Hobby:- exercise, football, boxing, cars and car racing, sportsbikes.
Things she hates:- drinking, smoking, sweet (anything that is sweet).

'you are a trash that was thrown away by your own parents' these are the exact quote that was said to me every day. I don't know what I have done to that man but that was the truth.
I was eight years old when I was standing at the top of the twelve floor building I don't know how I ended up there but there was just one step between me and the death.
There were so many questions surrounding me such as.who I am?
What I am? What did I do to deserve this? But on that day that eight years old girl was saved by a man named eiley Smith he put his hand on that girl's shoulder and said
"There is a lot left to see for you in this world, little human"
And there it was, that's how it started.
At the age of eight i started following that man he taught me fighting, living with problem and hurdling through them. There were still so many questions in my head such as who are my parents? Was that man right? Did my parents really throw me away to that guy? Who was that guy?
Well I stopped looking for the answers. Because it was easy and yeah nobody ever tried to find me not even my parents so there was no point in doing that.

It's been 12 years and I am still following mr Smith. He is a boss of a gang which I joined pretty quickly after meeting him. And that was when I give myself my name Samantha not because I like it but it was just a name that has an easy Nick name sam. And moeve was given to me by the boss he just suggested it to me and I took it. Our gang smuggles guns and other weapons. To the world we are a decent business company who buys and sells share but that is just our cover up.we also have many pubs in the city and outside of it also.

So it's been quite a long time since I joined the group and I pretty quickly adopt that lifestyle and the rules and terms of this gang. And because since past 6-7 years i have been exercising daily I have built quite muscles and made my body stronger. But I like boxing so I have also mastered that.

There was this one time when I was sent to one of our pub for some issues to handle and got bumped into a man harrassing a girl. He was following her outside but I don't give a fuck about anybody else's life so I ignored it. After I finished my work over there. I was ready to leave the pub because I can't stand the smell of alcohol It kinda reminds me of my past but when I stepped outside the room from the back door(because our cars were parked there)i heard a noice of a women crying and then a loud bang. Like someone hit someone with something. I look towards the noise I saw a girl on the ground and that man which bumped into me was standing in front of her with a broken wine bottle in his hand.

And that is when I noticed the blood on one of the woman's hand. And I don't know but something gets triggered in me when I see blood and my head starts to get hot from angry. My group members were still inside as I said to them to keep an eye on the people who were creating the problem. So that makes me alone with this man in this dark valley and with my f'ing anger issue. I have always tried not to let that anger gets in my head but it's just gets triggered sometimes.

That man turned towards me 'hey, man don't worry I will take care of this'. I walk towards them calmly grab that lady by her other hand and calmly started walking away from him but he stopped me by putting his dirty hands on my shoulder and said
'What do you think you are doing, huh'
I took a deep breath and calmly shrug my shoulder to let his hand get away from me but then he came and stand right in front of me he might be 5.8 feet tall .
He said.
'leave her hand.. you......... '
*Take a deep breath* *take a deep breath*
That's what was going on and on in my head
*Take a deep breath**take a deep breath*
And that's when I heard the door open I think my group people are back
But still that man was shouting at me I just tried to doge him.
But then he put his two fingers on my head like a gun and I heard 'do you want to die little shit'
And then there was only silent...
That girl was stepping back from me. I heard some footsteps coming towards me and then the man.
The man was laying on the floor. covering his mouth with his hand and was rolling in pain i think.
And thats when I noticed a blood Mark on my base knuckle. I punched that man's face.
"Go away" i said to that girl and she start running away in tears.
My group came closer and start to drag me away from that man because I was still angry at him.
They check on that man it was just a broken nose so they sent that man away.
But from the day after that they all start to call me 'little beast'.

When I was 17. Everyone in the group Started to respect me saying that I am the person that the boss has chosen to be his special member (i.e may be trusted people). And thats what my life is out of University but In University I am just a decent and good student that all. I am in football team of my university and also a good scoring student in my studies. That's all

The dark ally is something like this

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The dark ally is something like this..

To all of you for reading

I will be updating soon

In next chapter

Introducing the second main character of this story
So stay tuned
And be safe

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