Rayana's pov-chapter 4

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Lovely people
Back with another one

Hope you will like this chapter
Do let me know

I was pretty busy with some stuff so it is a late update of chapter.

And wanted to let you all know that from now on every sunday I will update new chapters

So stay tuned.

Rayana's pov.

It's my first day of college. It was going so smoothly. Everyone was so good. Made a lot of new friends. It was like a new life from my old high school. No one cares about what i am when I am out of this university, at my home. unlike my old high school. I always have to care about what other students think of me and I hate that. But this is going pretty good. We attend our lectures.

At our break. My friends took me to the canteen saying we should explore it and that's how i ended up in the canteen.

When we entered. We ordered our food and when I was going to pay for my food. My friends pushed me in a play full manner because they wanted to pay for my food and I was declining them.

And i bumped into a big person. I thought it was a boy but when I turned towards that person i realised it was not a boy but actually it was a girl. She was tall and her grip when she held me was so strong.

I noticed she was wearing a black hoodie with a black jeans and a black shoes. Her hair was very short like a boy. Her eyebrows were slightly downward like she is annoyed. her voice was deep. she was nowhere near a girl.

But when I looked at her chest there was something that conforms that the person is a girl. I was looking at her from top to bottom to check if she is ok. But she was just standing and staring at me. But then her friends interrupted and took her away from me.

'ooh you ok' one of my friends asked.

"Yeah I am ok. Who is she"I just asked in curiosity.

'she is Samantha moeve. From senior years. Better to stay away from her'

After break I was back in our class. After a lecture someone entered our class and everyone got silent like everyone saw something horrible that made them silent. But no there she was again standing at our door like an idiot and staring at me but then she took her eyes away from me. She is wearing a jersey which I know is the college football team jersey and a football short but there were no studs but instead she was wearing a slipper.
They were here to take the names of the students who wanted to join the football team. I also give my name to them. I have been playing football since I was a child I used to play with my dad in our community park he always took me and my sister there whenever my mom got mad at us and now I have become quite a good player but I have never played with or in a team so this will be my first team. And after that i didn't saw her again that day.

The next day was the same. We attended our lectures and then break. We were sitting in a canteen and my friend was talking about something that was interesting so my attention was on their conversation and then suddenly they stopped and everybody was looking at me or that's what i thought but no they were looking at the side of me  and that's when I noticed that someone was standing there then I saw her again standing and staring now that creeps me out why she is always staring.

What was her name again... Samantha yeh Samantha I saw her standing there looking at me I was confused but then.


'i like you'

She said what and I was taken a little back by that and all I can say is


My mind was blank like it is facing some kind of error and It can't proceed with the new information.

Then she started saying something which I can't understand and then again she said at the end.

'i like you'

After the second time I knew what she was saying. Now my brain has woken up and is processing again but before I can say something she just walked away.

'what was that' my friend said.

'yeah I don't know I think she is up to something'

'yeah..ray are you ok. RAY' my friend said shaking me back to life.

"Yeah. What was that" that's all I can say right now.she must be joking. Right. Look it's not like I don't accept LGBT or I am a homophobic actually my aunt is a lesbian. But for me it's new I have never thought about it. It has never happened to me.

Why am I thinking about all this stuff.

I tried to ignore all the mess that is in my mind right now because I have practice after break. So I just changed my clothes in my Neymar jersey not because I only like Neymar as a player but because it's the only jersey that is still in good condition. other of my jersey are in a very bad condition some has dirt and some are torn apart and I was wearing a shorts with my studs.

I was foucing on the seniors who were playing in the field. I was trying to understand their way of playing. I felt someone come closer and stand beside me but I was too busy to look at them so I ignored it.

But then someone waved their hand right in front of my eyes and it broke my attention and irritated me so I looked towards them and then I noticed who it was.

Again Samantha.

She started talking about my jersey and more and it was making me infuriated. And then I just said in my very irritated voice.
"Go away"

Now I am mad I don't get how annoying a person can be I have never been like this. nobody has annoyed me this much in my life then This person has made me in just 2 days it's not like we have ever met each other or what. then why.

And that's when my mouth spilled my mind out. I don't even know why I said that but I was just thinking about that and it came out of my mind out of nowhere.

I am just a new student in this college everything is new for me I don't know anyone and especially her and as my friend was saying that i should not get involved with her so I don't want to be rude to anyone and make my life miserable as it was in my highschool but now this person is really annoying me.

I thought I was rude enough and she will hate me and I think she will leave me alone after what I just said but no it was the opposite.she was still talking she was saying everything very calmly it was as if like she is saying those things calmly because she wants my brain to process those words.

I think this is not a joke anymore she is serious about what she is saying but...

Before i can say anything to her. the coach calls her and she says bye and then she pats on my hair.

What was that? She thinks I am a pet uuuugghh. This is annoying.

*I hate her*

So thank-you for
Reading and hope
You all injoyed it

Next update will be soon

Stay save.

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