chapter 5

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Lovely people

Hope you all doing great and also hope you all will like this chapter also

Happy to have you all and great for you all to be interested in my story


After our practice she was not paying any attention to me she was acting like i am an invisible person to her and I did understand that and anyways I have done more than enough for today so better to leave her alone before she starts hating me and i also have to go to meet boss.

Don't know what came up that he has to call me personally to meet him.
So after our lectures i was about to go out of the University when these two decided to play quick questions.

'okay tell me why do you like her? No leave it. tell me are you really interested in her?' Tina asked.

'yeah. Did you decide to bully her? Hmm, that's understandable after being a good student you might have been bored?' Roy said it's annoying.

"Can you guys just leave it on me and her.its ours matter not yours. And I am serious about her so if you guys are done I will take my leave. Thankyou"

Ooh God what's wrong with them.

I reached at our company building. Everyone was there they are like the old one who has seen me grow up from that little girl to who I am today.

"Hello people, what happened why did he call me here."

'ohh, hi it's been so long'

'yeah how u doing'

"Yeh I am fine" I have not visited this place for a long time i think it's been a month so not that long i guess. Before, I used to just sit in this building and wait for boss to give my chores but after i turned 18 he told me to stay away from here unless he calls me and today is the day i think. Last month when he told me to come visit him here was because he wanted me to supervise the delivery of the weapons. which has never happened He trusts us all the same that he never needed a supervisor. i think something going on in his mind but I don't know what.

'oh welcome. Welcome' he said as i entered the office. he was sitting on his chair across the work table with his shoulder wide that almost covers the back of his chair and as always he is wearing a tuxedo. In my 11 year that I have know him I have never seen him without a tuxedo.

"Yes. You called me"

'hmm yeah I called you but first tell me about yourself. How are you doing?'

I looked at him in an annoying way.
"What, why do you want to know about me? Are you alright?"

'yeah.. I just heard that you like  someone now. oh come on i also want to know about a heartless person's love story'.

"Those rats can't keep there mouth shut"

'hey hey don't be like that come on tell me about it. I might help you with something" he gestures me to sit on the chair that was on other side of his table.

"(Smirk) you and help me with what" i settle down on the chair.

' know by giving you advise'

"Huh.. no it's alright i don't need love advice from an old man and about me I can handle it. Anyways my girl is different from everyone so I will be learning new things from her.i don't need old advice"

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