chapter 6

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Lovely people

Hope you all like this chapter

And nothing much I just write to remove the things that go on in my mind.

As i stepped out of the office I saw them.
Alex and Mario.
They were there when I joined the gang. They are two years older than me. They used to always pick a fight with me because I was a little scared girl but as time passes they start to accept me and now they are one of my trusted people.. i don't think they are the Mole in our gang but i still don't trust them..but right now i need them for this mission.

'Hello, little beast long time no seen' Alex said.

"Hello, I need you both to do something for me" i said skipping all the b.s straight to the point because I don't have that much time I only have 2 days..

They both got stiff.... They know when I am serious I just say the main points of the conversation.

'okay..and what is it' Mario Said.

"I want you both to inform my team to come to our spot tomorrow night at 8 o'clock sharp and you both come and meet me over there at 7" my team was made by me I picked each and every member of it.

'Yes,boss' they said at the same time.

And i walked out of the building and towards my bike when I saw something yellowish on the wind shield on my bike....

I don't Think something like that was there before I came I got close to it i figured it was a sticky note and it was definitely not there when I came here..

I removed it while watching over my shoulder but no one was there then I turned my head to look at what was written on that..

-So he choose you, my friend. Now it is getting interesting.. and I like it..let's play little beast-

Your old friend.

"This bastard" my fingers tighten into a fist crushing that sticky note with it.
So he knows what is going on in this gang and this conforms to that he is someone close to us.... that's alright you want to play then let's play my friend..

Next day

My usual morning nothing happened same wake-up, college, lectures and then practice this is when I got to see her. I didn't get the chance in break because I had to make some calls to people but now that she is here it's like I just forget everything beyond her it's just her in my head..

"Hello Beautiful human. how is your day going"

"It was great until you spoke"she said

"Oh well don't be like that i didn't do anything yet" i took a step closer to her.

"Oh disturbing me like this is nothing to you"

"Oh well if you see it like that then it is"i said closing the gap between our faces.

"Exactly, now would you mind to get out of my face" she said pushing me away.

"Hmm, so what should I do to make you mine?" that was a serious question. "I don't have much experience in this "

"Just leave me alone and don't show me your face again"

"I like you and i will show my face again and again to you for the rest of our life so get used to this face. I will make you mine."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are annoying" she said looking into my eyes like she can read my inside.

Those eyes make me dumb I can't even take a word out of my mouth that's the kind of effect she has on me.

'sam... Come on you turn' the coach called out to me and It broke me out of her magic.

"Yes.. on my way coach" i turned towards her "see you around my love"

"Go away.." she was pretty annoyed but at least she is paying attention towards me and that's a good sign.

After our college finished I came home because I have to dress up as it's one of our gang rules. Whenever there are some mission related things we have to be in formals.

I reached our usual spot where we are going to meet.. i was a bit early then.. after sometime they both came Alex and Mario.

'Boss you are early' Mario Said

"Yes. I know.  come sit" i offer them to sit on the few chairs which were there."so as i said there is a mission we have on our hands here" I was trying to find the map in my bag.

'yes' Alex said.

I looked towards them.

"There are some guests coming to the  U.S the day after tomorrow.. our duty is to protect them and drop them at the big boss house safely" they all call that old man their big boss so i refer to him in that way in front of them.

'okay.. we can do that on our own boss' Alex said

"*Smirk* yeah I know it doesn't sound that serious but the guest is not someone else it's the important people to our big boss. And there are some people that are waiting for that guest to reach the U.S so they can take advantage of them" I can't tell them the whole thing as it is not safe. I can't tell them about the traitor for sure as I know that the traitor is fully aware about this mission..I know if I say something about it it will spread like a wild fire and that is something I want to avoid right now.

"There will be five cars. Three cars will be important to us. we are going to drive those cars. Each car is assigned to us. I will be driving the car in which  the guests are going to be in . And the other two imposter cars will be driven by you both. I have the  map over here" i opened the map on the table it's the things for which I was on a call in our break." These are the routes I am going to talk about in detail after everyone else arrives but for now examine this map and print every route in your mind"

'yes, boss' Mario said.

'but boss. What's going on??why are they getting this much protection you yourself are going to give them a ride' Alex said.

"Yes as i said they are important people and it's a do or die situation so can't take it easy"
I know this is dangerous because if they got to know which car they are in they will be targeting that car and that's what i want to avoid here but If that happens I have to safe them at any cost and the most important is that bastard  I have to find him as soon as possible and on the day when boss brother will come i know he will also come out..

And thats it

I hope you all like this chapter

i don't get much time to write this as a student Myself study pressure is on and it sometimes demotivates me but don't worry I will continue to upload chapters

Be safe

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