chapter 2

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Hello again lovely peoples good to have you all. Glad you all are interested in my story.

Hope you will like this chapter.

And for context of you all if you see this (*) that indicates the thoughts of that person.

It's been 3 months since we got after exam holidays.

Today University starts again my second year in business class and as usual i wake up at 5 o'clock. And my morning routine i.e taking bath, doing exercises, then break fast etc.
Lecture starts from 7:30 in the morning.

I leave my room at 7 am.
I reach to university at about 5 minutes before lecture starts.
This is my normal life routine.
We get a break at about 10:30am.
I left class for something to eat because after break I have a football practice and as usual. Upon existing the class these two are again with me.
Tina and Roy.
Tina is from other stream that I don't remember but she Is one of my football teammates.
And Roy is just her bestfriend.
Roy came out as gay pretty quickly in the first year and after that they always followed me. They say that they feel safe when I am around them but I don't understand from whom they are even afraid, it's in fact everyone is afraid of THEM.....anyways I am not even paying attention towards their conversation. it's...i think their another gossip that they love to do. So I just starts walking towards the canteen.

As I entered the canteen there were some new faces in there.

'There are so many new students from first year' Tina said

I walk towards the front desk to order something to eat.
when a girl bumped into me, at this point I am annoyed at people bumping into me. Can't they see a 5.10 feet long human.
"Hey watch you step, girl"
The girl turned towards me and....
That face mesmerized me.
"Ooo, sorry I was not looking"
Her voice was like music to my ears. So angeltic and soft.
"Are you all right"she asked.
Her brown eyes were scanning my whole body.

"*Gulp*yeh....yeh"is all I can say.

'its alright, just watch your steps' Tina said.

I was just frozenly standing there and taking in the beauty of the person standing in front of me.

For me love and attraction is nothing because I have never been attracted to anyone in my life. It has never mattered to me.

'hey man, you ok' Roy said patting on my back. That was like he just pulled me out of it.
"Yeh...I am Ok. Who was she by the way"
'dont know. I think she is from first year. New student. Why are you asking' Tina says.

"Huh... nothing'

'dont tell me. You are interested in her' Roy says.

"What no you got the wrong idea"
I tried to avoid the conversation and start to walk towards the front desk.

'No no there is something ' Tina says.
I knew they will make this conversation there new gossip.

'well if you want I can find her details for you' Roy says.
I laugh in my mind *if I want to know about her. I don't need you. i can do it in just an hour*
I keep straight face picked up my tray and truned to find a seat.
*There it is. *
I saw a empty table in the middle of cafeteria and starts walking towards it and they are still on that topic.

' I never knew you were into girls' Roy said.

Well It has never really mattered to me because I was never attracted to anyone.

I stalled on the table and look up from my tray and again I saw that face  and i was just frozen and kept looking at her. I have never felt like this. why my heart is beating so fast? What is this feeling?
What is happening?

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