First Impression

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My leg bounced rapidly as I sat in the passenger seat of the ship. Fidgeting with the seat belt that was tightly strapped against my body. My anxiety kicking in as this was the first time I'm leaving my home planet. I thought the first time leaving the planet of Tatooine would be to go on vacation to Naboo or some pretty planet like that. But no. This was different. I was being taken to Coruscant to the famous Jedi temple. I don't even know how I got myself into this situation. I'm simply a girl from a desert planet with dead parents, worked as a slave and lived in an abandoned home with barely any money.

It all happened so quick. One minute I was wiping down a countertop and the next I was talking to a Jedi who was asking me questions about the force.

"Do you know how to use it? Have you even tried using the force?"

I told him all I've ever used to force on was to pick up a cup of water or a rock here and there. But before I knew it I was following this so-called Obi Wan Kenobi to a ship and being taken to the Jedi temple to become a real life Jedi.

After what felt like 4 hours of sitting there in silence, Obi Wan finally spoke up.

"We should be there in around 5 minutes" He spoke.

"What do I do once we're there? I've never even left my home planet!" I answered back to him with nerves.

"Don't worry y/n, I will get someone to give you a tour of the temple while I talk to the council about you. Everything will be ok I can assure you that." Obi wan said with a smile.


I swallowed nervously as I stepped off the ship following Obi Wan. Jedi all around looked at us and gave stares, I couldn't tell if they were good or bad. I was surrounded by a bunch of important people who save lives everyday. I have to make a good first impression I kept thinking to myself.

As we entered the temple my breath got caught in my throat. My eyes widened at how beautiful this place was. Windows everywhere, squeaky clean floors, beautiful details engraved into the walls making it look straight out of a fairytale. Coming from a place surrounded with nothing but sand this was something I never thought I'd see.

We finally approached a set of very big doors. Which I'm guessing leads to the council chambers Obi Wan told me about. I played with my fingers nervously and chewed on the inside of my cheek probably drawing blood. I've never been so nervous in my life. I don't know what to think. What if they don't like me? What if I'm not good enough? My head filled to the top with a bunch of "what if?" Questions making my anxiety become worse. I'm guessing Obi Wan could sense it through the force because he put his hand on my shoulder telling me everything was going to be alright.

"Don't worry I promise it's going to be ok
y/n. I'm sure they'll love you. You're very strong with the force. I know you are. I sensed it the second I landed on Tatooine. Plus there's someone in there I'd like you to meet. You and him have a lot in common believe it or not." Obi Wan said.

I smiled back at him not exactly knowing what to say back. Before I knew it he opened the doors and we both stepped inside. There was a bunch of Jedi Masters all with their eyes on me. But there was also someone else. He was standing in the corner of the room with his hands crossed against his chest causing his biceps to flex against his Jedi tunic. He was very handsome though. Ocean blue eyes, golden fluffy curly hair, smooth skin and plumped pink lips. He was breath taking. But without warning his eyes snapped to me causing me to look away quickly. Fuck was I staring for too long?

"This is y/n l/n. I Found her working as a slave in Tatooine. She's strong with the force. I felt it as soon as I landed on the planet." Obi Wan kept on explaining everything about me and how he thinks I would make a wonderful Jedi and should get trained. But honestly I was only focused on how pretty the boy in the corner was. I had caught him staring at me too a couple of times which only made butterflies in my stomach erupt.

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