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Anakin and I were both currently on the battle field trying to destroy all the battle droids around us. There was shots being fired at us left and right. We swung our lightsabers in every direction trying to take out the droids and not get shot. We were here on a mission to capture General Grievous after he attacked the Jedi temple out of nowhere.

"Let's split up to find him it'll make it easier" Anakin suggested as his blue lightsaber slashed the last droid in half.

"Are you sure?" Everyone knows how aggressive General Grievous can be towards the Jedi and honestly I'm scared to face him alone.

"Yea we'll be fine, if you happen to run into him call me right away" He said and as he slightly touched my arm and started to walk away.

I sighed and nodded and began to walk the opposite direction of him. If Anakin were to run into Grievous he would have a better chance against him because well he's the Chosen One, or so the prophecy says. But me? I don't think I have much of chance. Grievous literally uses like what 4 lightsabers to battle? It's insane I can barley go against 2. But I'll be fine as long as Anakin runs into him and not me.

I continued to walk for another 20 minutes about to give up and head back when I heard the familiar robotic voice that made chills run up my back.

"Ah if it isn't little y/n. You know last time I saw you, you were shorter, you've grown   y/n Have your skills improved too or still the same old?" Grievous asked making my blood boil.

"And last time I saw you, you were younger you've gotten older and rustier." I snapped back.

Without a warning he ignited all 4 of his lightsabers and walked closer and closer to me while spinning them in circles. I quickly sent a message to Anakin with my coordinates so hopefully he will get here soon because I don't think I stand a fucking chance against this machine thing.

"You scared?" Grievous asked.

"Why should I be? You're an old crusty robot" I ignited my saber and stepped closer to him slowly.

"What a pretty lightsaber you have there, I'd love to add it to my collection" he laughed.

As he laughed I quickly used that opportunity to cut one of his arms off which sent one of his lightsabers rolling on the ground. He groaned in pain and growled at me.

"Wow not even 10 minutes in and already lost an arm" I laughed.

"You're gonna pay for that y/n!"

He darted towards me spinning his sabers and swinging them in an attempt to cut one of my arms off as I did to him. I quickly blocked all the attacks but it was hard. I've never battled someone with 3 lightsabers and I was getting tired. I didn't know which way to look or which way to block. I almost lost my footing as I stepped over a rock which caused me to lose my balance and I fell on the floor hard on back causing air to leave my lungs. I felt my head hit something hard which I'm guessing was a rock and my vision quickly started to becoming blurry. I tried to get up before Grievous got closer but it was no use. I couldn't move I was paralyzed. My head hurt so bad it was throbbing, my breathing picked up to the point I was gasping for air, and my vision seconds away from going black.

"Look what we have here. I thought you would have gotten stronger from the last time we saw each other, I guess I was wrong. You're still as useless as a youngling" and with that he raised one of his sabers and cut straight through my arm. I yelled in pain as I felt it burning through my skin like hot lava. I looked down and my arm was completely cut off. Tears rolled down my face as the pain from my head and arm got worse.

"I told you you'd pay for cutting my arm off." He spat.

"You're not getting away Grievous" I stuttered out in pain.

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