So beautiful

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Anakin's POV:

The stars have always fascinated me. Any chance I get I just look up admire the night sky. I like looking for patterns or any constellations. My personal favorite are shooting stars. They remind me of my mother, she would study about them and whenever she could she'd go out and stare at the sky looking for one for hours. She used to tell me to always make a wish when I see one.

I'm laying down in the temple courtyards, the soft grass under me making me  comfortable. I can hear the sound of the trees dancing with the wind and a few owls in the distance. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even sense y/n coming up behind me until she sat next to me.

"Hey" she smiled at me.

"Hi" I replied as I sat up.

"What are you doing out here so late?" She asked.

"I'm looking at the stars" I quietly said as I looked away from her slightly embarrassed.

"Can I look at stars with you?" Y/n asked while moving closer to me, our bodies so close they're touching now.

"Oh uh yea sure" I stuttered surprised the fact she would even wanna do that. She's always focused on training and studying never thought she would wanna look at stars with me.

After a while she rested her head on my shoulder causing me to tense up. I couldn't help but look down at her. She's so beautiful. Her e/c eyes shimmering with the light from the moon, every little freckle on her face complementing her so well, plump pink lips that look so kissable, and those rosy puffy cheeks. Everything about her is beautiful.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She giggled, her head still on my shoulder but her pretty doe eyes looking up at me.

"No reason" I smiled and looked back up at the sky.

"Sure" She giggled again sweetly.

"Do you come and look at the stars a lot?" Y/n asked while taking one of my hands and playing with my fingers.

"Only when I'm feeling very stressed or overwhelmed" I replied while looking at how her tiny fingers traced over my palm, slightly smiling at the action.

She hummed in response and went back to staring at the night sky.

"It's so beautiful" y/n said breaking the silence.

"You're so beautiful" I replied looking at her.

"You think I'm beautiful?" She asked embarrassed, her cheeks all red.

"Of course I do y/n" I slightly laughed pulling her closer to me.

"W-what do you think is beautiful about me?" She stuttered looking down at the ground all flustered.

"Everything. The way your smile lights up any room you walk in, the way your eyes shine with the sunlight, the way your cheeks get all pink when you're nervous, the way your voice is soft and delicate. Everything y/n" I answered back.

I could see a smile creeping up on her lips and her eyes slightly widened at my words. She leaned closer and closer to me. Is she going to kiss me? Do I kiss her first. I don't know what the fuck to do.

And then she did it. She kissed me.


I did it. I kissed him. I kissed Anakin Skywalker the chosen one

No words can describe the amount of butterflies in my stomach. The adrenaline in my body pumping through my blood.

As I started to pull away preparing myself to apologize to him, he caught my lips again. This time it was with more passion. His gloved hand made its way to my waist and he pulled me on his lap so I was now straddling him. My arms snaked their way around his neck and played with the soft golden curls. Anakins other hand found it's way to my hair and he tangled his fingers in it.

The kiss intensified as his tongue licked my lips like it was asking for permission to be let it. I parted my lips and our tongues fought for dominance. Our lips crashing against each other, no doubt all swollen up by now.

We both pulled away once we needed to breath. Our foreheads still pressed against each other. The wind blowing behind us and the light coming from the moon lit up the fields.

Once I looked back up at Anakin, he was already looking at me smiling. Both his large hands rubbing my sides.

"I've been wanting to do that for you don't even know how long y/n" Anakin spoke up.

"Me too Ani" I softly said back.

He kissed my cheek in response and I hid my face in the crook of his neck getting comfortable in his embrace as I felt his arms wrap around my waist keeping me close.

"I think you're so beautiful too" I quietly mumbled not even sure if he could hear me.

But the feeling of him kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back definitely meant he heard it.

And just like that we fell asleep in each others arms in the courtyards of the Jedi temple.



This one's short too but hope you enjoyed :) Lmk if any of you have requests I literally have no ideas rn

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