The Memories

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Anakin POV:

"Ani! Stop! I can't breathe!" Y/n yelled as I tickled her everywhere. Our laughter lit up the room.

"Ok! I'm sorry I'm sorry" I said through laughter.

"You know I hate being tickled!" She said.

"But I love seeing you laugh" I smiled at her.

"Ani there's other ways to make me laugh!" She protested.

"Yea but this is my favorite way" I kissed her cheek sweetly making her blush.

"You're blushing" I chuckled.

"Stoppp" Y/n replied. Dragging out the P and hiding her face in her hands.

"Hey don't hide that pretty face baby" I hugged her bringing her onto my lap where she stayed for hours.


"Anakin! Help please! Come quickly!" I heard y/n screaming in fear.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened? Are you ok?" I yelled back panicking already thinking of terrible things that might've happened to her.

"There's a spider on the floor Ani! Kill it please" She said as she hid behind me holding onto my arm seeking comfort.

"Baby don't do that I got scared I thought something bad happened to you" I replied while killing the spider and turning around so I was facing her.

"I'm sorry" she apologized looking up at me with those pretty doe eyes.

"How could I never not forgive that pretty face hm?" I said cupping her cheeks and kissing her softly. Then hugging her until my arms grew tired.


I woke up to the bright Coruscant sun shining through the crack of the blinds. Y/n cuddled up next to me, still deep asleep. I stared at her in adoration. She's so beautiful. Her luscious hazelnut hair fell down over her shoulders as her head laid on my chest. Her long eyelashes touching as her eyes remained closed. Her soft pink plump lips sealed together as she slept. Her body fit perfectly into mine as she cuddled closer into me. I love her so much.

"Why're you staring at me like that?" Y/n suddenly said with that soft voice that I adore so much.

"You're just so beautiful" I pecked her lips.

"I love you" She said hugging me tight and hiding her head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too beautiful" I hugged her back even tighter. Never wanting to let go.


"I'm home!" I yelled back as I returned home from my month long mission.

"Ani!!" I heard y/n squeal.

She ran to me and hugged me so tight it felt like my ribs were breaking. She kissed me all over my face and passionately kissed my lips. I kissed her back immediately grabbed her by her hips and pulling her closer, if that was even possible.

"I missed you so much Ani you have no idea. I couldn't sleep without you I had to spray your cologne on a pillow and pretend it was you!" Y/n said in a voice that sounded like she was about to burst into tears.

"It's ok baby I'm here now. And I missed you too, more than you can imagine." I comforted her.

"Come on let's go cuddle on the couch and look at the stars as you tell me everything about your mission" She said as I stared at her in adoration.

"Sounds like a lovely thing to do baby" I kissed her and carried her to the couch where I told her everything for hours and hours until she fell asleep in my arms.


And now I lay alone on the bed we once used to share. I live in the apartment that once used to belong to both of us. I eat on the dinning table where we once both used to tell each other about our day.

I stare at the blank white ceiling with nothing better to do. I've been in a state of depression since the day I lost my y/n. There's no reason to be happy if she's not the person I wake up to every morning. If she's not the person I hug every time I need it. If she's not the shoulder I can cry on when I feeling down.

I still remember the day I lost her vividly. It haunts me everyday. I could be living my best life on Naboo with my beautiful wife if it wasn't for the war that took her from me.

"Ani you've gotta let me go" she spoke with a voice so low I could barley hear her.

"No no no! Y/n keep your eyes open for me please love don't close them! I can't live without you please baby don't go." I screamed through tears.

"I'm sorry Ani it wasn't supposed to end this way" she cried as I brought her closer to me.

"Baby stay with me please I can't do this without you please" I cried while resting my forehead on hers.

"I had the best life with you my love. I'll never forget the years I spent with you. All the memories we made together. I'll always be by your side baby even if you can't see me" She whispered softly as tears fell down her face.

"I loved it too. I loved all of it baby. I love you so much." I cried even harder as I kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you soon Ani. Keep trying my love it will all be ok. I love you." She cried as she kissed me for the last time ever.

"I love you too Y/n Skywalker." I kissed her back as I felt her body go limp in my arms. I screamed and cried harder than I've ever had in my life as I hugged her dead body. She was gone. She was truly gone.

That was the last time I ever saw my wife. I've cried every night since that day. It's burned into the back of my mind. I loved her more than anyone could imagine. I've thought about giving up and just ending it all just to see her again. But I keep trying. I keep trying for her.

Now all that I have left of her are the memories.



Hoped y'all enjoyed :)

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