Stuck To Me

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I've been dating Anakin for almost a year now. And it's been very good. We've been doing a good job hiding it from the council along with being discreet. But while dating Anakin I've learned many things. One of them being that he's affectionate and touchy but not as much as you would think. He doesn't like to be clingy because he thinks he's annoying. I personally love when he's clingy, I find it adorable. But it doesn't happen very often. He's always giving me hugs, touching my thigh and holding my hand once in a while but he's rarely ever stuck to my side all the time. That's why today caught me by surprise.

We were on a simple mission today assigned by the council. It consists of just exploring an abandoned cave that some other Jedi found to make sure there is nothing dangerous inside. Anakin and I were the only Jedi, the others were just Rex, Fives and Echo. But Anakin had been standing close to me the whole time not moving from my side. It was like he was stuck to me with glue. He kept holding my hand when the others weren't looking or giving me little kisses. He also kept on telling me how pretty I am. I haven't seen him this clingy in months. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a big pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi Ani" I gently said while reaching a hand up to play with his soft hair.

"Hi" he whispered back as he rested his head in the crook of my neck with his chest pressed against my back.

I looked around to see where the others were and thankfully they had gone deeper inside the cave leaving Anakin and I alone. So I turned my body so I was facing him instead and cupped his face with both my hands.

"You okay Ani?" I asked as moved his hair out of his eyes.

"I'm okay" he smiled back while he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Alright then let's continue so we can get this over with ok?" I answered back.

He nodded and we kept on walking with him holding my hand keeping me close to him.

Anakin's POV:

She asked if I was okay. She's probably catching onto me being so clingy. Does she think it's annoying? Does she think I'm annoying? I should stop being so close to her but for some reason I can't today. My mind wants to stop being annoying and leave her alone but my body needs her touch.

As we walked deeper into the cave trying to catch up with the clones I turned my head to look at her and her cheeks just looked so kissable right now. They're all pink and they look puffy. I want to kiss her cheek. I need to. I tried to fight against the feeling but it was no use. I grabbed her chin to tilt her head and I kissed her cheek multiple times. Y/n smiled up and me kissed my palm in response.

"Anakin you sure you're ok?" Y/n asked as she grabbed my arm resting her head on my shoulder.

Am I ok though? I haven't been this clingy ever and I don't know what caused it.

"Mhm" I hummed back in response kissing the top of her head.



It's been hours since we started the mission and we are finally on our way back home. Anakin and I are sitting in the back of the ship and Rex and Fives are in the main cabin and echo is in one of the resting rooms. Anakin is currently cuddled into my side, his head on my shoulder, arms around my waist keeping me close to him, and his legs are wrapped around mine. I was rubbing his back and occasionally drawing drawing little shapes with my fingers. My other hand would go up to play with his hair from time to time. But I'm still worried about the fact he won't let go of me. I mean I don't mind it but I just wanna make sure he's ok.

"Baby you awake?" I asked.

"I am now" he answered back as he rubbed his eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" I said while rubbing his knee with one hand.

"Mhm" he mumbled as he interlocked my hand with his.

"Why are you so clingy today baby? You haven't left my side since we woke up." I asked as I moved my thumb rubbing his knuckles.

But he took the question the wrong away because he immediately stood up.

"I don't know. I'm sorry I'll stop it's probably annoying." He whispered as he began to walk away.

"No no Ani stop come back I promise it's not!" I  followed after him.

"Just please leave me alone for a sec ok?" Anakin said as he opened the door to another resting room on the ship.

"Ok but can we please talk after?" I asked.

He only nodded in response and I walked back to my seat.

I don't understand why he got so upset about it. I mean it's not like I had a problem with it. I like it actually I think it's cute. Plus I'm pretty clingy myself so it's nice to see him be clingy sometimes too.

"Does she think I'm annoying?"
"What if she's mad at me?"
"Does she think I'm a burden?"

My eyes shot open at the sudden thoughts flowing into my mind. But they weren't mine. These were Anakins thoughts. They were so loud and obnoxious I'm able to hear them through the force. He's overthinking and he's anxious I can feel it.

I walked over to the room he was in and but before I could knock I hear sniffling and muffled crying. I walk in and im faced with Anakin with his head in his hands and his leg in bouncing rapidly, which is something he does when he's anxious. His breathing is also shakey.

"Oh Ani don't cry love" I sit next to him I put my arms around him.

"Come on tell me what's wrong why are you crying Ani?" I softly asked and I rubbed his back resting my head on his.

"I just- I just keep overthinking that you might think I'm annoying and I don't want to be a burden to you" He said almost whispering.

"Oh baby you're not a burden to me, you never will be. And I don't find you annoying I never have. I actually love it when you're so touchy and clingy I find it adorable. You don't need overthink love. I love you ok?" I comforted him and as soon as those words left my mouth he cuddled up into my side hugging me while hiding his head in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you" he said while hugging me tighter. "I love you too" he quietly said.

And just like that we fell asleep with him stuck to me. The only way I would ever want it.


I feel like this one kinda sucked but idk. Also I need ideas lol

And tysm for 257 reads it rlly means a lot :)

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