Chapter 28

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Six months have passed since Beth, Seth, and Decker started dating. They just celebrated their one-year anniversary with a special date planned by the boys.

Beth was excited when the boys told her they had planned something special for their anniversary. She had no idea what they had in store, but she trusted that they wouldn't disappoint her.

When they arrived at the secluded beach, she was amazed by the beautiful setup. There was a cozy bonfire, complete with blankets, pillows, and a small table with a candlelit dinner. She felt so loved and cherished by the effort the boys had put into the date.

As the evening went on, they talked, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company. Beth couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and happiness. She looked at Seth and Decker, and they looked back at her with the same love and adoration.

"I can't believe how much we've been through together," Beth said, looking out at the ocean. "It's been an incredible year."

"It has," Seth replied, taking her hand. "And I can't imagine spending it with anyone else but both of you."

Decker nodded in agreement. "You make our lives so much better, Beth," he added. "I can't imagine not having you or Seth in it."

Beth felt a lump in her throat, and she went silent for a moment. Seth noticed and asked, "What's wrong, my love?"

Beth took a deep breath and looked at both of her partners. "I'm just so happy," she said. "I hope nothing messes this up--what we have is special." "Baby, nothing could come between us," said Decker. "This thing we have going on right now is for the long haul." "He's right, love," Seth added. "We communicate, we listen, and we're good for each other. Each of us knows where we all stand."

Seth and Decker smiled at her, and Decker wiped away a tear from her cheek. "We love you, Beth," he said. "And we'll always be here for you, no matter what."

They spent the rest of the night cuddled up together, watching the stars above and listening to the sound of the waves. They talked about their future plans, and the adventures that they wanted to have together.

As the night went on, the boys surprised her with a small gift. "We wanted to give you something special to remember this night," Decker said, handing her a small box. Beth opened it to find a beautiful necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. "Oh, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed, hugging the boys tightly.

The rest of the night was spent cuddled up together, talking and enjoying each other's company. Beth fell asleep in the arms of her two partners, feeling loved and content.

The next morning, they woke up together, cuddled up in bed. Seth and Decker were already awake, and they were admiring Beth, who was still sleeping peacefully.

"She looks so beautiful," Decker whispered. "I can't believe how lucky we are to have her," Seth replied, smiling.

Beth slowly opened her eyes and smiled at her two partners. "Good morning, my loves," she said, stretching her arms and legs. "Did you sleep well?"

"We did, thanks to you two," Decker replied, leaning in for a kiss.

Beth got out of bed to get ready for the day while Seth and Decker stayed in bed a little longer. Eventually, they got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. She joined them shortly after.

"What do you want for breakfast, my love?" Seth asked.

"Not too much food, please. And a Sprite," Beth replied.

"Is your stomach bothering you?" Decker questioned.

"No, I'm just craving something different," she said. Seth and Decker exchanged a look, but didn't push the issue. Beth felt a sense of relief that they didn't press the issue, but also felt a twinge of guilt for some reason.

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