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*how I pictured Margot dancing, just imagine Kenji being there too:)*

*how I pictured Margot dancing, just imagine Kenji being there too:)*

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Today's Margot and Kenji's competition.

They've both been practicing so hard on this dance routine. I haven't even hardly seen either of them in these past few days.

Margot's been overly self-critical and Kenji seems to always know the right words to say to snap her out of it.

Maybe she's always like this before a competition.

I shrug my shoulders and check myself in my bathroom mirror. I decided to wear something simple today.

I don't want to steal Margot's thunder so I settled on a white-cropped spaghetti strap with a black mesh cover up and green cargo pants. I throw on a few accessories and put my long black hair into two low messy buns.

I sigh as I look at my reflection. I can tell I'm getting skinny. People who didn't know me around 8 months ago wouldn't think so but I know.

My family knows. I don't look or feel as healthy as I was before. And it's my fault.

I open the medicine cabinet and take out my medication. Dad got it prescribed for me a while back.

It gives me the needed nutrition and helps stop the urge of nausea that seems to sneak up on me. Only thing is, it's super easy to get addicted so you can't take them often.

Suddenly, I hear a knocking on my door and I shut off my bathroom light, walk to the door and swing it open, revealing Margot and Kenji.

"Hey, are you ready? I was going to stop by earlier but I was sort of panicking a bit. I'm fine now though." they walk into my room and Margot notices the small white pills in my hand.

She gives me a weird look.

"What are those?" she throws herself onto my bed and Kenji looks at the pictures of my family above my dresser.

I hurry up and grab the bottle of water and throw them back before she tries to examine them. "Just Vitamins. You know my mom, she would kill me if I didn't take some type of immune-building vitamin." she laughs and nods her head.

She's been on a few of the family group calls and she has everyone's number so she's talked to everyone numerous times.

She adores mom. Every time they talk she just seems so exhilarated. I never know why.

Mom is a very loveable person though.

"Speaking of your mom, she was saying that she wants to meet us in person. My parents are okay with me going." Kenji says as he continues taking in the pictures from all over.

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