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The words that I had been pushing down resurface and this time, I had let them

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The words that I had been pushing down resurface and this time, I had let them.

The image of my father's disapproving face no longer lingers in the front of my mind, the extra space now filled with the memory and feeling of Hazel's hand wrapped around my throat.

I felt a sensation I could not explain nor could I clarify the sense.

I have no idea what I signed up for. But I do know I signed a deal with the devil, I have no idea what this deal ensures but if it includes her hands on me, I'd sign the deal a hundred times more.

I can still feel her hands on me as I stamp books with the nursery homes logo.

"What's with the face? You look like a robot right now, bud." Wanda comes around and picks up the books that I've finished and stacks them on a rack.

I can't seem to rid my mind of Hazel's words. It's been merely 3 days since the event in my dorm and I can still smell her perfume. Sweet yet alluring in a way that screams anything but sweet.

She told me to come to her dorm whenever I was ready and I've been purposely avoiding her.

I know I said I wanted to try whatever she was talking about but I can't help but be scared. I've never done anything like this. It all just seems so...so...sinful.

"I'm fine Wanda. Just, I have a lot on my mind at the moment." I can't exactly specify what's on my mind since it's, pretty scandalous.

She looks at me for a few seconds before a small smile erupts on her face. "Ah, I understand. It's a girl." she goes back to putting the book on the rack and I'm dumbfounded as to how she knew.


Before I can finish my question she chuckles. "I was young before you know. And believe it or not, I did my fair share of dating. I can spot a boy with a crush a mile away." crush? Do I have a crush on her?

I find her rather...appealing but I know I can't start dating when I'm this close to the future of my dreams.

The future that'll make my father proud of me. Dating is too complicated and distracting.

Plus, I know Hazel feels the same way. She told me herself. She said that if we were to do this, it would only ensure pleasure, nothing more. Whatever that means.

"Well, it is. A girl, but it's not what you think. She's," How do I explain it? She's, more dominant. She's intimidating and intense.

"She's strong-minded I guess." that's an understatement.

Wanda stalls her movements and she looks at me once again. "Do you like her?" well I don't really know her well enough to know her.

But the things I do know, I can't help but feel entranced.


Her smile returns. This is the first time I've ever mentioned a girl. I've been volunteering here since my junior year of high school. The people here have become like family to me. I talk to them more than I talk to my own parents.

"Well, then what are you doing here?" she gestures to the books in front of me and the stamp in my hand.

"But my shift and what about my father-"

"Your father doesn't have to know everything that happens in your life. You're a grown man, sweetie." only he does have to know everything. He needs timetables of my days and lists of everything that happens in my life.

It's like I'm under his arm all the time. But in order to succeed in life, I must stay focused.

But...one small distraction couldn't hurt too much, could it?

one small distraction couldn't hurt too much, could it?

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-consider this a filler chapter. Just pushing the story along. By the way this chapter is UNEDITED.

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