13. sick

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Jeongin p.o.v:

I saw her drifting away to dreamland so I had to quickly give her some medicine for her fever before she would fall asleep. I gave her the medicine and she fell asleep immediately.

I watched her peacefully sleeping. She looked so innocent and fragile. I didn't want her to change. I wanted her to stay her innocent self.

I wanted to give her a kiss on the lips but I didn't want to get sick myself, if I got sick, who would care for them like that. So I kissed her forehead. I went to the door to go outside but I heard her muttering something. I went closer to her and I could make out the words 'please' and 'stay'. She looked like she was having a nightmare. I ran my fingers through her hair and telling her 'don't worry princess' and other words of encouragement.

I went out of my office and saw my soulmates watching a movie. I joined them once they asked me.

They asked how Youngdae was doing. I told them that she had a fever and headache but currently she was sleeping. They really wanted to go in the room but I didn't allow them because she was sleeping. And i didnt want them to wake her up again.

Once the movie finished they were all asleep exept for me. I refused to sleep not knowing if their princess was alright, so I went to check on her and her eyes were open. It seemed as if she was awake but it looked like she was having a nightmare. She was crying and murmuring something incoherent.

"Princess? Are you okay?" I asked worried, and leaned on the railing of his hospital bed. I didn't get an exact reply from her.
"Princess?" I asked again, and didn't get a reply this time either.

By this point he had realised that she was having a nightmare. I sat on the edge of the bed and held her while running my fingers through her hair to calm her down, and started whispering things in her ears.

"Hey Princess, come back to us.." " You've got this!..." "I don't know what you are going through, but I believe in you!.."

"Princess, we miss you.."

As I said the last words, she finally woke up from her nightmare. She hugged me as tight as she could and started crying as I kissed her on her forehead and pulled her on my lap.

"Shh, shh, its okay. I've got you. You're safe now. Okay,"
"Y- yes.. thank you.." She managed to stutter that while still crying.

I checked her temperature and it had gone down a bit because of the medicine. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Innie.." She asked for me.
"Yes Princess?" I asked her what she needed.
"I'm hungry.. I would get it myself but it hurts to move.." She muttered quietly as if she was embarrassed to be asking for some food.
"Where does it hurt when you move?" I asked needing an urgent answer.
"My stomach and head.." She was slowly snapping our of it.
"Are you okay? I'll give you some medicine and then I'll get you some food. Okay?" It was really possible that she was hungry since she hadn't eaten for nearly two days.
"Okay.." She groaned.

I gave her the medicine and went to the kitchen to make her some food. And surprisingly I saw Channie hyung working on his computer while the rest of the members were still sleeping on the couch.

"Oh hey Channie hyung.! What are you doing?" I asked him in complete curiosity.
"Oh nothing really. Why? What's wrong? I know you're worried." He explained worried for me.
"Well she's sick and I don't know with what. I'm scared that we will lose her because I wouldn't be able to treat her properly."
"Don't worry. She will be fine. I promise. We aren't going to lose her. Okay?" He assured me.
"Okay.. thank you.." I hugged him with tears in my eyes.
"Don't thank me. Its what I'm supposed to do as the leader." He hugged me back lovingly.


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