16. training

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I awoke with a voice calling my name.

"Come on Princess, time to wake up!" The voice cheered happily.
"Ughh.. noo, don't leave me my pillow.." I muttered into the pillow.
"Princess, I'm not a pillow." The pillow said cheerfully.
". Huh?" I looked up to see, infact, it wasn't a pillow. It was Changbin.
"O-oh.. good morning Binnie.?" I said a bit embarrassed.
"Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty! Now come on, wake up! I'm going to train you on how to fight!"

Oh right. That was today. I overheard them talking 2 days ago about training me. I guess I forgot about it with me being sick and all.

I groaned lazily, not wanting to wake up and do stuff.

"Aww come on!! You got this!!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me out of my trance.
"But I already can fight." I whined. "I'm good at fighting with knives." I pleaded to him, really not getting why I had to be trained in fighting. I was pretty good at it afterall I did go to a martial arts school.

"I'll give you some kisses and tomorrow I won't make you wake up at 5am."
"ITS FIVE AM!?! WHY SO EARLY??" I exclaimed as I needed my beauty sleep.
"Well we usually wake up at 6:30 am to do stuff but I figured that it will take really long for you to get ready so I woke you up earlier." He explained.
"I could have gotten ready in 20mins if you would have woken me up at 6:00 am atleast." I groaned.
"Not happening!"
"Ughhh. Fine. Get out and I'll get ready." I sulked.
"Did you already forget that this is my room?" He asked smugly.

I left the room without answering him.

I got ready in 30 mins and when I left my room Changbin grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the stairs.

"I can walk you know?" I asked him annoyed.
"Yeah but you're slow."
"Hey! That's rudee." I whined
"Yeah well its time to face the real world, Princess." He looked at me seriously.

I looked down at my feet as he was dragging me by my arm.

Had I not taken things seriously?

Had I mistaken my relationship with them?

What if this is all pretend just to make me a decoy and make me apart of a mission and then they leave me there?

Did I trust them too early because they were my soulmates?

Can I even trust them?

Is this even real?

What if im only here because I'm their soulmate and im not actually wanted here?

Do they even love me?

Are they lying to me?

Why did they even save me?

"..ss? ..llo? Princ... Princess?" I heard a voice calling.

I looked up and saw Changbin looking up at me worriedly. Had I actually worried him?

"O- Oh..  what did you say? Sorry, I got lost in thought." I looked away from his piercing gaze.
"You okay? You worried me there Princess." His voice sounding much more gentle then before.
"I- im fine. Let's get training." I said wanting to avoid his questions.


(Okay that is that. I'm still struggling but I'm trying my best for you guys!!)

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