The journey begins

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Today is the best day of Shree's life. She is traveling outside of her country first time and that also to her dream place Japan. Everything about this trip is special to her. She was dreaming to go to Japan from God knows when.
She did lots of struggle in her life. After she got this job, she started to save money for this. Now she is traveling to Japan with the help of her own money which she earns spending her blood, sweat and tears.
But it became more special because she is traveling along with her parents. Her parents also struggled a lot for her, as she came from a middle class family. Now Shree is really happy that she could afford the comfort for her parents which they has always tried to give her.

After the checking was done at the airport, they boarded on the plane. They got two tickets together and one in front of few rows.
Shree suggested her parents to sit together and she sat in the single seat.

The announcement was done. All the passengers took their respective seats. The flight attendants gave the required instructions. And finally the flight took off.

Shree was amazed. She got the window seat and trying to watch the outside view through the window. She started to think what will she do when she will finally able to step on the soil of her dream place. Will she be overwhelmed? Will she cry or laugh? She hasn't the answer yet. But she is sure that this feeling, she's gonna experience, will be something out of the world.

Shree was in her deep thoughts when a flight attendant came to take orders from everyone. Shree came out of her thoughts and that moment her eyes fell on the passenger sitting just beside her.

Her fellow passenger is a boy. He was wearing an oversized white t-shirt and a black trouser. His face was hidden by a magazine which he was holding with his fingers. The scent he was wearing was so addictive. But the thing which caught Shree's eyes were the long, slender fingers.

Shree was frozen in her spot. She could easily recognize those fingers, even in dark.
"Am I hallucinating? How could he travel like this? How could he travel in my country's plane? There was no news about his any schedule in India. No I'm surely thinking wrong. This person could have long, slender fingers. But I never failed to recognize anything about him!"
She shrugged of her thoughts. She may be thinking wrong.

The flight attendant came near their seats.
"Sir, is there anything you want to order?", the girl asked.
"A cup of hot chocolate please."

This is making Shree insane. It's his voice. She could never fail to recognize his voice.
She gave a look at him. He was wearing a white colored mask and a black cap.
"Yes, it's him.", Shree screamed internally. But she can't show anything. It could easily invade his privacy.
"Ma'am, your order?"
"One milk coffee please."

Shree couldn't able to concentrate anymore. She tried to look at the window, tried to read a magazine, but failed to concentrate.
"How could a person concentrate when her ultimate bias is sitting next to her."

Yes, her ultimate bias Kim Taehyung. The idol of idols. Member of the most famous boy band of the world, BTS. The "Kim Taehyung", the owner of the title 'most handsome man in the world' for several years, sitting just next to her.

"Shree, you have to act normal for his privacy. Don't be so obvious.", she told herself on her mind.
So, she tried to divert her mind.
After few minutes, she noticed a little boy is continuously staring at Taehyung. She became suspicious. "Did the kid recognized him? Hope he doesn't spread it.", thought Shree. But the kid started to whisper to his family members and started to point towards Taehyung. "Oh no! He shouldn't did that. He might come to Taehyung. I should inform him."

"Excuse me"

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