The backstage story

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Author's note :
The story is totally imagined by this author. No incident has any relation with the idols. This author requests every reader not to have any misconception about the members. Please enjoy this story as it is. No hate for any member is appreciated. Happy reading...

The guards took Shree to the backstage. Many people were arranging things as the program was done. Few crew members were side eyeing Shree, maybe questioning her identity, but couldn't utter a single word as Taehyung's guards were with her.
The two men showed her a specific room. Shree bowed toward them. She was near the door. After lots of thoughts she finally opened the door. The scene inside the room made her heart jumped out from the ribcage. All the 7 members were having a meal together.
Hearing the sound of the door to open, they looked towards Shree.
Taehyung gave her his special boxy smile and went toward her.
"Welcome Ms. S.", said Taehyung.
But Shree were freeze at her spot. She couldn't even figure out what is happening.
Taehyung snapped a finger in front of her, "Hey! What are you thinking? I know we are hella handsome but that doesn't mean you'll look us like that."
Shree gave an embarrassing smile.
"Come I'll introduce you to them", Taehyung took her toward the members.
"Guys, this is the girl I was talking about.", he stated.
"Oh, so she is that girl!", asked Hoseok.
Jimin came toward Shree and said, "So, you are her."
"Guys don't make her more nervous, she is already sweating.", told Namjoon.

Every member introduced themselves to Shree. It felt like they already knew her. Taehyung had already told them about her.
Shree was nervous at first but became comfortable around them in no time. The boys are really so down to earth. They also offered her food and drink. The little interactions with them went like a sweet dream.
Shree was there like for around half an hour. She didn't realize how time flew. Now she had to return. She bade goodbye to them.
She was ready to go when Taehyung called her.
"Umm, Ms. S, wait."
Shree turned back to him.
"It was nice to meet to Ms. S.", Taehyung forwarded his hand.
Shree gladly took his hand and shook that.
"It was really nice to meet you too, Taehyungssi.", she stated.
She smiled but then felt something in her hand. She looked at her hand and saw a piece of paper. She looked at Taehyung. He gestured her not to tell this to anyone. Shree nodded and went out.

The whole car ride was silent. Shree was remembering each and every moments. She took out her phone and looked at the photos she took there. Everything was so dreamy to her. She still couldn't able to believe what she experienced.
After coming back to the hotel she at first checked her parents. They were all good and watching movies. Then she came back to her room.

After getting freshed, Shree changed into comfy pjs and plotted herself on the bed. She was dying to see what was inside the paper. She opened it and saw something was written on it.

Ms. S, you know me very well.
But don't you think I should get a chance too?
If you think same then
+82 1234567890
It's my personal number.
I'm 24×7 available for you.

"I'm dreaming for sure. It can't be happened. Kim Taehyung, the idol of idols Kim Taehyung gave me his personal number. Oh my goodness... I am losing my mind. I'm not me, it's illusion."
Shree started talking gibberish. She couldn't able to believe what's happening. She pinched herself multiple times and groaned in pain. She started screaming, but then controlled herself as her parents could come to her hearing the scream.

After sometime, she started thinking.
"Should I give him a call. Or maybe a text that I got his number. But he said he wants to know me more. What does that mean?"
After thinking a lot, Shree finally decided to call Taehyung. She dialed the number and it started ringing.
After a single ring the phone call got received, as the person on that side was eagerly waiting for this call.

"Ms. S, you took so long to call me."

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