First meeting

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"Excuse me", Shree asked. Taehyung looked at her. "Sorry to bother you but the little kid is spreading your identity. People could come to you. You can change your seat with mine. People couldn't able to see your face if you sit in my seat."

Taehyung checked the surrounding. "The girl informed right. This kid recognized me. Namjoon hyung told me thousand times not to travel in public flight but I insisted him. Now I'm in trouble. I should change the seat before the situation gets out of hand."

Taehyung changed his seat with Shree. Like Shree thought, the kid came to them. "You're V, right? I'm an ARMY boy. I'm your big fan. You're my bias.", told the boy. Shree tried to control the situation, "You're getting wrong kid. He's not V. He's my friend."
"No, you're lying. I know he is V. I'm going to tell everyone that V is traveling with us.", the kid started shouting.
"Kid, you're wrong. He's my friend. He's traveling with me. And why would Taehyung travel with us in the public flight? Did you get any news about him that he came to India? No na? He's not V. Don't worry, he'll come here oneday for sure. You'll get to experience a grand concert soon."

The kid was looking convinced somehow. He looked towards Taehyung one last time and went to his seat becoming upset. The situation somehow got controlled for the time.

"Thank you", Taehyung whispered to Shree. Shree nodded with a little smile on her face.
In the mean time the drinks they had ordered came to them. Taehyung took a sip from his drink and his expression got changed. "It's coffee not hot chocolate." Shree sniffed a bit of her drink and realized that their drinks got exchanged. "Here is your hot chocolate. They got confused because we changed the seats. Take it. I didn't touch it till now." Taehyung took his hot chocolate and was thinking of ordering a new drink for Shree but the scene he watched made him surprised. Shree was having the coffee. "Hey! I already had few sips from the cup. I'm ordering a new drink for you.", Taehyung said to Shree. "There's no need of that." Shree smiled a little.

Taehyung started to think, "She is strange. This girl saved me from disclosing my identity and now she is having 'my already sipped' coffee. Wait, that means she knows my identity, she knows me. Is she an ARMY too? Who is her bias? Should I ask her? No leave it. But she saved me from disclosing my identity. That means she won't leak out anything."

Taehyung was staring at Shree for a long time. She was wearing a white loose fit shirt and a beige colored pant, little to no makeup and a beautiful, innocent smile just what Taehyung likes.
On the other hand Shree was dying inside to talk to him. She thought to have a quick look towards Taehyung. Then their eyes met. They smiled to each other.
"Official schedule or personal?", Shree finally asked. "Official.", Taehyung replied. "But there wasn't any official notice!", Shree murmured but it reached to Taehyung's ear. He smiled and continued, "Surprise appearance in a music show. The official notice will be published when we'll reach there." Shree created an 'O' with her lips. "When did you come to India? We couldn't come to know!", Shree asked. "It was an inspection visit, you can say. We are thinking of inclusion of India in our upcoming world tour. Don't leak it, it's a surprise.", Taehyung teased a little. Shree showed a huge smile.
"From when you are an ARMY?"
"Not so long, from 2020."
"Umm, and your bias?"
"I thought I'm your bias, your style somehow matches with mine."
"I said OT7, that includes you too."
"That means you like me the most."

They started laughing together. The rest of the time they chatted, shared their not so serious random thoughts, laughed, watched movies, listened song together. Taehyung is always a social butterfly, if he gets like minded people. They both had forgotten about their identities and spent time like old friends.

But time flies like a blink of an eye. The time for the landing of the plane came finally.

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