Parting ways

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The time for the landing had come finally. Both of them couldn't figure out how the time flew.
"Time for parting ways.", Shree gasped a little. "Hmm", Taehyung hummed. "By the way, are you traveling alone or the members are here too?", asked Shree. "All of them are here. Wanna see?", Taehyung said. "Yepp.", Shree became extremely excited.
Taehyung smiled, "Look at that person, light blue shirt, a huge book in his hand." "Namjoon oppa!", Shree exclaimed. "Yes, and there, the man with the giant RJ plushie", "Seokjin oppa! OMG! Why didn't I recognize him before? Okay. Let me find out rest of the members." Shree started searching. "That man, just woke up from his sleep,in all black, Yoongi oppa. Umm... There is Jungkookie. He is almost fully covered. And there Jimin oppa, in that blue jeans. But where is Hobi oppa? I can't able to find him."
"He's just beside your eomma."
"OMG! My mother couldn't recognize. How lucky she is!"

The flight attendant did the announcement. The smile on Shree's face faded out. She wore the seat belt.
The plane finally landed. Passengers started to stand up. "It was a very beautiful journey." Taehyung finally spoke. Shree wasn't able to reply. Her heart was aching so badly. Taehyung continued, "Thank you so much for today. You not only saved me but also saved all the members. Because of ARMYs like you, we are willing to go back to the stage every time."
"Don't thank me Taehyungssi. We are not just idols and fans. We are a family. And it's a duty of a person to secure their family member's well being.", Shree told in broken voice.
"So, where's next in Tokyo? Feel free to ask if you need any help regarding hotels. I've came to Japan multiple times", told Taehyung. "Thank you for your concern. I've booked a hotel in the city.", informed Shree. "May I ask the name? I mean, I can tell if it's good or not.", Taehyung asked hesitantly.
"Hotel Sakura."
"Oh! That's a hotel with great stuffs. I've stayed there once."
Then there's a pause.

"Umm, so... bye I guess."
"Hmm bye. Best of luck for your show. Please come to India soon, that we all can watch you."
A single teardrop fell from her left eye. She lowered her head to hide it. Taehyung noticed but didn't utter a word. He started walking. But then he returned to Shree again. "I forgot to ask your name", he asked.
" Suri?"
"Shree", she smiled a little.
"Ahh... tough to pronounce. No worries. It'll be easy in future."
"Huh?", Shree didn't get what Taehyung said. He didn't reply. He just put off the mask for a second and flashed his signature boxy smile to her. Then went away.

"Whom are you talking with? We are getting late.", Shree's mother asked. "Maa, do you know who was sitting next to me?", Shree almost cried.
"And maa, guess who was sitting right next to you?"
"Hobi oppa maa, Hobi oppa!!!"
Shree started screaming. "You just can't imagine how much I was controlling myself not to scream and not to cry. He was chatting with me like a friend whole time. I am soooooooooo lucky."
"If you are done then can we go?", asked her father. "Yeah, let's go."

Then they went for the hotel. She shared every single thing to her mother. How Taehyung spoke to her, how was he looking, about the kid, about the members, each and every thing.
Finally they reached to their destination. Taehyung told her right. The stuffs of the hotel were really well mannered and helpful. Shree took two rooms, one for her parents and the other one for herself.
After the long flight journey they were feeling jetlagged. They decided to take nap first. So they went for their respective rooms.
After getting freshed Shree threw herself on the mattress and started to recall the encounter with Taehyung. His face, his deep voice, his boxy smile, everything was lingering on her mind. She drifted into deep slumber.

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