The final destination

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"Taehyungahh, aren't you happy to see us!?"
Taehyung's parents asked this. Taehyung was too happy. First the members, then Shree, and now his parents. It's the best birthday he ever had. But he was hella nervous. Shree was still in his bedroom. In few minutes his parents would come to know about her.
Taehyung took them to his living room. There were still some decorations from the last night's party.
"Had the members celebrated already?", asked his father.
"Yes appa. They gave me a surprise party last night."
Taehyung's parents were talking about how the members love their son. Taehyung gave them water and said, " Eomma, Appa, wait here for a bit, I'm coming."
Taehyung went to his bedroom. There was Shree. She had already listened their conversation. When she saw Taehyung, she just freaked out.
"Taehyungahh, what is gonna happen now? I can't hide here forever. But if they see me in this hour, what would they say? OMG, I wanted to meet your parents but not like this.", Shree started panicking.
Taehyung held her hand and said."Come with me bub."
Shree tried to say something but he didn't let her continue. He took her to the living room where his parents were.

Taehyung's father was telling something but he stopped when he saw his son is coming from his bedroom with a girl toward them that also holding hands. His gaze stuck there. Taehyung's mother also looked on that way and her eyes also got stuck.
"Who is she?", asked his mother.
"Eomma, Appa, she is Shree, my girlfriend", Taehyung stated somehow.
"Ahem ahem, your what?", his father tried to confirm that he heard right.
"My girlfriend."

It was December's winter. Korean winter was chilly to Shree. But now she was sweating out of fear. Taehyung's grip on her hand got tighter. She somehow managed to bow to them.
Taehyung's mother stood up from the sofa and came toward Shree.
"She doesn't look familiar.", she said.
"Eomma, she is not Korean. She is from India.", Taehyung said to his mother.
"You didn't tell us about her.", his mother asked.
"I tried but nervousness took me. But I gave Appa hints. Appa tell Eomma. I told you before that I have started liking someone.", Taehyung showed his puppy eyes.
"That was when you came back from the Japan tour. But you didn't told us that you have already started seeing her!", his father said.

"From when you two are seeing each other?", mother asked Shree.
"Ee.. e.. eight months.", Shree told almost in a unheard volume.
"Great, see Taehyung's appa, your bear is in relationship with a girl for eight months and we couldn't even figure out.", mother gasped and continued.
"What is your name?"
"Sh.. sh.. Suri!?", his father almost struggled.
"Appa, it's Shree. Don't worry I took over a week to pronounce clearly.", Taehyung laughed but then stopped looking at their serious faces.

Taehyung's mother caught him by his ear.
"What do you think? You are adult now and we couldn't be able to know what are you doing!!!"
"Aaaa... Eomma, it hurts..."
Shree was almost started crying.
"Why are you crying my daughter? This idiot didn't tell us about you but we knew from beginning. We know how much trouble you have faced to meet him and come here.", told his father.
"How could you...", wondered Shree.
"Jimin told us everything.", he told and came to Taehyung.
"My baby bear grew up a lot."
"Appa, Eomma, accept her please. I love her way too much. I can't live without her."
His parents started laughing.
"Don't worry baby bear, we liked her. She is so calm and the most important thing is she loves you. We hope she will adjust in our culture. Now we just need time to pronounce her name clearly.", his father jokingly said.

After two days, Shree came back to her country along with Taehyung. She told everything to her parents. Her father didn't agree at first but after meeting Taehyung he gave them some time to proof themselves. Taehyung's parents also talked to Shree's parents.

After dating for two years, they finally decided for marriage. They married two times, one in traditional Indian style, and another in traditional Korean style.
"Shree... Shree wake up."
Her mother made her to wake up.
"Maa, where is Taehyung? Why I am alone here?"
"Taehyung!!! Are you dreaming again? You and your Taehyung!!! Now get up fast or you will be late for the flight.", her mother said.
"We are going to Japan... Did you forget?"

[Time skip on the flight]

Shree was sitting on the window seat when someone asked her, "Excuse me, could you please move to your sit that's mine."
Shree noticed the seat number. "Ohh... I'm sorry."
She moved to the next seat. Her fellow passenger bowed to her and put off the mask.

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