The moon is beautiful, isn't it?

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Time flows like waves. After that 'date' thing, Taehyung and Shree talk with each other daily over video calls and phone calls. For Taehyung, Shree conquered a special place in his heart. The members also figured out something different was happening with him. Jimin and Jungkook started teasing him. In between, the two of them met two times secretly.
Taehyung never dated anyone before. So talking to Shree daily or the secret meetings were big deals for him. But he was living his life the best.
But everything has its own expiration. So the tour has. The time for Taehyung's returning to Korea had come.

That night, Taehyung was in call with Shree. After some chit-chat, he finally stated about his departure.
"Ms. S"
"I'm going back to Seoul."
"Ohh... When?"
Shree was silent. She didn't know what to say next.
So Taehyung said.
"I wanna meet you now."
"Now!!! It's so late Taehyungssi and I..."
"I'm at the lane behind your hotel."
"You're here!!!"
"Umm... Come fast, I'm waiting."

Shree cut the call and hurriedly went there. She didn't even change her night suit. There was Taehyung too in his pjs.
"From when you're here?", asked Shree.
Taehyung scratched the back of his head. "From the beginning of the call."
"Taehyungssi, it's not safe here. Somebody could see you, recognize you. Also if paparazzis come then..."
"Don't worry ma'am. Nobody comes in this place this time. That's why I asked you to come here."
Shree smiled but then the smile faded out.
"When is your flight?"
"Tomorrow morning at 10."
Taehyung continued after a little pause, "It's unsafe for you in the airport, if you met me there. And I wanted to meet you so I came here instead."
Shree gave a saddened smile and said, "Happy journey and also best wishes for your upcoming projects. Take care of yourself. Don't overwork."
Taehyung understood her situation. "We'll keep in touch. I can't say that I'll call you regularly but I'll definitely call you whenever I get time."
Shree nodded.
"When are you going back?", asked Taehyung.
"The day after tomorrow.", Shree replied.
"Then don't think too much about me and enjoy the rest trip.", Taehyung tried to light up the situation.
But Shree didn't replied.

There they stood still for sometime. Shree had so many things in her mind. She wanted to say everything to Taehyung what she was feeling. But somehow words were not coming out from her mouth.
Finally Taehyung broke the silence.
"So it's a goodbye then."
Shree couldn't say a word. Tears started forming. Her head was lowered. She just nodded.
Taehyung waited for few seconds then turned his back to her and started walking.
Shree was still there. Tears were coming from both her eyes. She raised her head and stared watching Taehyung from his back. He was walking slowly.
Shree turned back and was thinking of returning back to her hotel room, when suddenly Taehyung called her by her name, in perfect pronunciation.

Shree shockingly looked over there. Taehyung came running toward her and hugged her tightly.
"I can't go back like this. I have to tell you this now or I would never be able to tell to this again."
Shree hugged him back and said, "Tell me. I'm here for you."
"Shree... Let's date. I think I've fallen in love with you."
Shree was in total shock.
"Kim Taehyung is asking me out!!! He is in love with me!!! Am I dreaming? Am I still alive?"
"You're alive and in my arms now. Now stop teasing me and be girlfriend. Taetae needs you in his life."
Shree smiled. "How can anyone say no to Taetae? And that also when I'm crazily in love with you my Taetae."

Taehyung breathe a sign of relief and hugged her even tightly. They spent in each other's embrace for long. Then Taehyung went back to his hotel.
Next day he went back to Korea. Shree spent another day in Japan. As she promised Taehyung, she enjoyed the next day there wholeheartedly. Then went back to India. Also Taehyung called her everyday as promised too.

A new chapter of life had started blooming.

What do you think, what is going to happen in their life? Will they able to live their life happily? Will they be able to continue their long distance relationship? Will Taehyung's company and Shree's parents accept them?
Stay connected for new chapters and twists.
Happy reading ♡

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