Communication 18: Accidental Phone Call

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Komi and Tadano got a flip phone.

And they got their friends' phone numbers, but...

(Split view) We're at Komi's and Tadano's house.

They hear their phones vibrating.

Both of them look back at the phone.

Communication 18: Accidental Phone Call

They grab their phones.

Bip! Bip! Bip!


Brrang! Brrang!

Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!

They play with the ringtones, since they have nothing to do.

You can hear them just looking through their phone.

They look at their contacts, since they have nothing else to do. (Seven entries including family.)(Seven is Sonoda.)

Tadano scrolls to Komi's entry, and Komi scrolls to Tadano's entry.

They pretend to make a phone call with each other, holding it to their ears.


Tadano & Komi - ?!

They quickly look in the user manual that came with their phone.

"Make calls by just raising the phone to your ear!" is what the manual says.

Tadano, Komi - ?!

The phone picks up, which completely surprises Tadano and Komi really good.

Tadano immediately hangs up.

He panics. So does Komi.

Komi decided to call Tadano, while still somewhat out of breath.

Tadano - ?!

The view shifts to Tadano's house only.

Komi - "..."

Hitomi Tadano (Hitohito Tadano's sister) - "Hi, you called? Tadano is in a very, big, predicament. He wrote to me that you called him, and, is in a panic, he also told me to ask you if you were okay. I'll hand him the phone."

Shosuke Komi (Shoko Komi's Brother) - "Make any sound if you're feeling better."

Shosuke hands the phone to Komi, Tadano doesn't know that yet though..

Komi - "Th-The number you have dialed is turned off, is no longer in use."

Tadano - ?!

Komi - "Sorry. I called by accident."

Tadano - "O-okay."

Hitomi, Shosuke - They can talk a little over the phone. Is it because they think they're alone?

Tadano - "So... b-b-bye."

Komi - "Alright"

The call has ended.



Tadano starts to tremble, and he trembles, like crazy.

Hitomi - "Tadano!"

Komi's house (During the phone call)

Komi  - "Sorry, I called by accident."

Tadano - "O-okay."

Tadano - "So... b-b-bye."

Komi - "Alright."

The call has ended.

Komi lets herself fall onto her bed and flops around in joy and embarrassment at making her first call.

Shosuke - "Komi!"

Communication 18 - The End

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