Communication 30: Rain

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Communication 30: Rain

v-- Class Prez    v--- New Class God

Sonoda and Tadano are tired because the class council meeting took forever. And Najimi left early.

Najimi is the vice president.

Hito, Komi, Shoko - !

Komi and Shoko look at Tadano.

This surprises Tadano.

Hito looks at Sonoda.

This surprises Sonoda.

Sonoda - "Why are you three still at school?"

Komi - "Me and Shoko were reading in the library and had lost track of time."

Hito - "I was reading with Komi as well."



Tadano - "Shoko, Komi, did you bring an umbrella?"    (At the same time)

Sonoda - "Did you bring an umbrella, Hito?"                         (At the same time)

Komi and Shoko nod.

Hito nods.

Tadano - "Then let's go." (At the same time)

Sonoda - "Then let's go."  (At the same time)

Tadano and Sonoda go to grab their umbrellas, but they're not in the location they're supposed to be in.

But, there was a note.

"I stole your umbrellas. - Phantom Thief N"

Tadano didn't know who "Phantom Thief N" was and was a little scared.

Sonoda knew who "Phantom Thief N" was instantly.

Sonoda - "Sorry, it seems that I have forgotten my umbrella, you can go ahead of me, Hito"

Tadano points to Sonoda, while looking at Komi.

Komi and Shoko open up their umbrellas and stare at Tadano.

Hito opens up her umbrella and stares at Sonoda.




Komi then tells Tadano, by waving her hand, to go under her umbrella, together.

Shoko then does the same.

Hito does the same thing with Sonoda.

Tadano, Sonoda - ?

They figure out what Hito, Shoko, and Komi want them to do.

Sonoda- "You want to share?! Really?! I can have my parents pick me up, so you don't have to."

Tadano - ?!

^ Essentially expressing the same thing as what Sonoda said.

Komi and Shoko stare at Tadano for longer.

Hito stares at Sonoda for longer.

Sonoda tries to decide if he should go with Hito or not.

Tadano tries to decide if he should go with Komi and Shoko or not.

Sonoda - "All right, as far as the nearest convenience store."

Tadano just stays silent, trying to decide if he should go with Komi and Shoko or not, all the while being extremely flustered through the entire process.

They leave Itan Private High School.

Sonoda wants to know how they got into this situation.

Tadano just stays quiet, being completely red from embarrassment

They start walking towards the nearest convenience store.

Sonoda is worried about Hito being super close, closer than ever.

And Tadano is way too focused on what Komi and Shoko think of him that he doesn't think about how close Komi and Shoko are to him.

The two groups touch shoulders. Which surprises Tadano and Sonoda.

Sonoda - No, we shouldn't touch!

Tadano - !

Sonoda quickly stops walking and steps out from under the umbrella, Tadano does the same.

Komi, Hito - !

Komi, Shoko and Hito step out as well, so they wouldn't be crowding Tadano and Sonoda.

Tadano, Sonoda - ?!

Sonoda - "Should I carry it, Hito?"

Tadano offers if he should carry it by silently gesturing.

Komi and Shoko hand their umbrellas to Tadano.

Hito hands her umbrella to Sonoda.

And as they continue to walk home, Komi, Shoko and Hito notice that Tadano's and Sonoda's shoulders are getting rained on. For Tadano, he's barely covering himself to fully cover Komi and Shoko. For Sonoda, he's doing the same for Hito, but is covering himself a little more because he's closer to Hito.

And now it's pouring.

Tadano, although being focused on what Komi and Shoko think of him, notices them staring at him, and he tries to grab his notebook.

Using some skill, he manages to balance the umbrellas while writing, even though his notebook was soaked,  he used it anyway.

Tadano - "What's wrong, Komi? What's wrong, Shoko?"

Komi  and Shoko hakes their heads, ridding of the thought that they were thinking.

Tadano - ?

Sonoda - "Anything wrong, Hito?"

Hito shakes her head, shaking the thought out of her head.

They've arrived at the nearest convenience store.

Tadano - "Alright here's the convenience store, I'll get an umbrella and new notebooks."

Sonoda - "And I'll get an umbrella and some towels."

Tadano and Sonoda walk in, get what they need, and they walk out.

Tadano - "I bought an umbrella and a new notebook for you guys, since it's probably soaked."

Sonoda - "And here's a towel for you all. It was in a pack of five, so you guys can keep that one."

They all begin to dry themselves off.

Sonoda - !

Sonoda wants to ask Hito, Shoko, and Komi something

Shoko, Komi, and Hito notice, and nod. Signaling to Sonoda that he can ask his question.

Sonoda - "I might be wrong... but... did you all wait for us by the lockers, after seeing "Phantom Thief N" 's note?"

Tadano - ?

^ Surprised that Sonoda had asked this, but is now genuinely curious.

Komi, Shoko, and Hito are embarrassed. But the answer seems to be yes.

Tadano - "..."

Sonoda - "..."

The sky cleared

Everyone was surprised that the sky cleared.

Communication 30 - The End

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