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I'm Italian, I don't speak English well. I'm just translating my FF to broaden my audience. Thank you for understanding.

ART CR: https://puzzlefactory.com/manga-anime-puzzle/421443-itachi-and-sasuke-jigsaw-puzzle#10x9

I published all the chapters together only now because I had some problems with wattpad.


Sometimes I think that if I told my brother the truth, now he would be safe and maybe he would be by my side. Just a few years ago I was in the woods learning some new techniques with Shisui, he taught me a lot and has always been by my side. I wish everything that happened had never happened. But it was my fault, I chose all of this and I can't change it.

"What are you thinking about?" Kakashi hugs me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He leaves a soft kiss on my neck, making me shiver, I still haven't gotten used to all this attention and affection. "I was thinking about Sasuke," he nods, letting out a small 'mh'.

"Don't worry about him, he can take care of himself, he'll be fine. Sooner or later we'll find him." I turn towards him, throwing myself into his arms, warm as always, I have to take advantage of this moment before leaving again. "How long will you stay with me?"

I reach out my right hand to his face, to touch it again, in case I forget. I don't want to forget it and I don't want to abandon it. "I'll leave at sunrise."

"I don't want you to go away", the hug gets tighter, it's almost suffocating me. "Kakashi-san, while I'm gone, please don't die."

He moves a lock of hair to better look at my face, "Itachi how do you feel about me?"

I hide my face in his chest, as soon as he says those words, I know that my face has turned red and I don't want to show it to him. Kakashi is my weakness, as is my brother.

"I don't know, the only thing I'm sure of is that I want to stay like this forever."

He says nothing, continuing to hold me. "Itachi, you know that I love you, right?"

I walk away from him, taking a step back. I don't know what to say and I know that all this is not good, what he told me is not right. He can't love me. "Kakashi-san. I'm sick, one day I will die by my brother's hand so that he can have my eyes and live a long and wonderful life. You can't love me."

His eyes widen in shock at my words, I see him swallow his saliva before speaking, "Itachi you can't die, I can't let you die." He grabs my hand, pulling me back into his arms, "Please stay with me."

"I like you too, Kakashi-san, I like you very much. Since the time you came looking for me in the woods, the night my clan ended."

I swallow my saliva, searching for the words to formulate this complicated confession of love, "I fell in love with you that night, even though I only realized it a few days ago, my heart was pounding so hard just thinking of being by your side "I want to be with you too, but we can't. So can we stay like this for now?"

I dry the small tear that has released on his cheek, he takes my hand and places a kiss on it. "Promise me you'll find a way to meet me before you die."

I smile at him, getting up on my toes to kiss his lips, "I will always find a way to meet you, but tonight do you want to stay with me or would you rather read that strange book on your bed." I point to the book he carries everywhere, even in his bed. Can't I be jealous of a novel?

The Hidden Leaf Shinobi // KAKASHI X ITACHIWhere stories live. Discover now