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I'm Italian, I don't speak English well. I'm just translating my FF to broaden my audience. Thank you for understanding.

ART CR: kayyyyyyy014


Time has passed so quickly, it seemed like only yesterday. Itachi was wrapped up in my arms when I fell asleep, the bed filled with his smell. I didn't dare to wash the sheets. The same sheets where we consumed our love for two nights.

Two years have passed and I still haven't forgotten him, he promised me that we will meet, but today I still haven't been able to see him again.

I rest my head on the trunk, while with my legs stretched out I keep myself on the branch. My favorite spot, from here I can admire the sky with the same eyes Itachi sees it.

"Kakashi sensei," I look down at Sakura, she's looking at me. I throw myself into the air, landing on my feet beside her with one hand in my pocket, while I hold Jiraiya's book in the other.

"Tsunade sama has requested our presence." I nod, following what was once my student but today she is one of the strongest kunoichi and is also an exceptional medical-nin.

We have lost many things in the last few years, the third hokage, Sasuke and then, I had to lose Itachi. Just the thought of him being with that group of bastards doesn't reassure me at all, but I know he's fine. He has always been a prodigal within the Uchiha clan, since he was a child, he has always had talent to spare. He was calm and perceptive, displaying remarkable maturity for his age and knowledge of how to approach any situation. Despite everything, Itachi was quite humble, never arrogant about his own abilities and never underestimated his opponent, and this is a detail of him that I love.

At only seven years old he thought like a hokage, having studied the history of his clan and the village he always tried to put his knowledge to protect others.

Itachi has endured all that pain and is still enduring it today yet he only wants peace, he trained so much to become who he is but he hates fighting. He had to sacrifice himself for peace, he killed all his loved ones just to give the village a better future and although the cause of all this was Danzo's word, he doesn't hold a grudge against anyone. You've never felt hatred for anyone, Itachi is simply an angel.

I wonder how I fell so much in love with him that I think about him every moment of the day.

The hokage informed us that the kazekage was kidnapped by two members of the Akatsuki, the same team of which Itachi also appears. Gaara managed to protect the sand village before being captured and calls for help that only recently arrived.

"We have to save Gaara," I grab Naruto by the jacket before he can get in trouble, "Naruto you have to follow the plan."

My words don't convince him enough, Naruto after discovering Gaara's past feels very attached to him, almost as if he sees himself reflected in Gaara.

While Gai's team is attacked by Kisame Hoshigaki, my team with a new addition, the old Chiyo, is stopped by Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi.

I want to run to him and hold him tightly in my arms, but I can't. I have to hold myself back and protect my teammates.

"Everybody, halt!" I spread my arms to make the others stop behind me.

"Who is that?"

"Out of the blue, huh..." my eyes widen, taking a good look at the man in front of me.

The Hidden Leaf Shinobi // KAKASHI X ITACHIWhere stories live. Discover now