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It was around 6 am when Nadia got the call. She rushed out the bed, not thinking to grab anything. She just slipped on the closest shoes there and grabbed her phone. She doesn't remember how, but she made it to the hospital around 6:25. Her heart was beating harshly against her chest and her mind was completely blank. This was the 2nd time.

Her mind couldn't even wrap around the words Justin said. The only thing she could recall were the words vomit, seizure, Notti, and something about Estrella. The cold of the hospital swarmed her as she walked in. It was an eerie feeling swimming about. The overnight nurses were clocking out and the morning shift workers arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She was given warm smiles as she made her way through the ER area. None of which she returned, she was focused and on a mission.

Finally, she made it to the room he was emitted to. She pushed open the door, seeing three distraught people and an exhausted Ethan laying looking lifeless. Darrien laid on the left side of Ethan, with his head on his big brother's shoulder. A mixture of Ethan and Darrien's thick and curly hair covered their faces and was sprawled about on the white sheets. The sight was almost comical since she couldn't tell whose hair was whose. Justin, David, and Estrella sat in the hospital chairs surrounding the bed. Estrella laying on the pull-out couch with a bible clutched in her palms.

Justin and David sat in regular chairs. They were twinning with the way they were slouched with their big heads resting on their hands. Justin's locs were covering his eyes and David's curly hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. The only thing you could hear in the hospital room was beeping sounds and heavy breathing coming from the exhausted family. Nadia got a painful sense of Deja Vu.

Hearing an extra pair of footsteps, Estrella quickly sat up, pushing her perfectly pressed brown hair with blonde highlights out of her face. Her face softened at the sight of Nadia and she held her arms out to engulf her in a comforting, motherly hug. Nadia rushed into her arms feeling... well, she didn't know how she was feeling. She felt sad a little, a little angry, a lot of disappointment. She felt like she was the only one that had not one clue what Ethan was going through, for real. It was frustrating feeling like everyone was holding out on you, but she couldn't be upset with them. It wasn't their story to tell.

Her face remained straight as she took heavy, deep breaths. "I'm so sorry mija. I know it's early but I—."

"Don't be sorry mama. It's okay" she replied in a whisper tone and Estrella broke down right then and there. She tested up as the older woman silently sobbed in the hug. All Nadia could do was rub her back and allow the older woman to let it out. Soon, Justin and David woke up and began crying silently at the sounds of their mother's hushed sobs. Darrien was awoken by the sounds, but he didn't make a noise. He simply clutched onto Ethan's shirt as if he would fade away. In classic baby brother fashion, he watched all the older people express their pain with tears while he was bound to express his through actions.

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