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After the rebroadcast, the lives of Nishizawa and Ryan have not changed much. They just broadcast live for a while after dinner at a fixed time. Ryan only needs to do his own things, watch cartoons or do manual work, and then he will be cute. There are a lot of bugs screaming in the barrage.

Although live broadcasting is not a job with a stable income, the increasingly long string of numbers behind the balance of the star coin account made Caesar slowly start to feel safe, and he paid more attention to the quality of life of himself and Ryan.

Before, Caesar prepared for Ryan that everything was the best, and he never chose to settle for the second best because of the price. But this is not the case when buying things for myself. I still retain the consumption habit in another world, compare the shops, and only place an order after thinking about it.

But now, he stared at the highest rating on Xingwang, but the price was also very exaggerated. He looked and looked at a suspension car, and paid for it as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Although there is a hover car in Garda's house, it is more convenient to have your own hover car, whether it is to pick up Ryan from school or take him out for fun on weekends and holidays.

After buying the suspension car, and after spending a few days passing specialized training on driving the suspension car, Caesar was able to drive the suspension car to pick up the two little bug cubs from school.

On the first day, Ryan sat in the passenger seat curiously, staring at Nishizawa's operation. But when he found out that his father only needed to set the destination and press the autopilot button, he lost interest in this matter, and ran to the back row the next day, chatting head to head with Nuo Xi.

Xiao Chong Zai really likes this new friend very much, the friendship between the two Xiao Chong Zai is getting deeper and deeper, and the relationship between Caesar and Jia Da Ting is getting closer and closer. Garda took him in and out of many places that he had never set foot in before, and brought him many novel experiences, Caesar also liked this new friend very much.

Weekends are usually the days when the two of them go out with their cubs. Amusement parks, shopping malls, and various exhibitions, they have visited almost all the places in Central Star that are suitable for infestation with cubs, and they enjoy it every time. Go and return with all your heart's content.

However, this weekend, to Nishizawa's surprise, Garda declined his invitation.

Jiada's face was full of anticipation and joy, his bright eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, and he made no secret of his happiness: "Mowei came home to spend the holiday with me."

Caesar was startled before realizing that this weekend is Wenli Festival.

Wenli Festival is equivalent to the Zerg Ting Valentine's Day. It comes from the name of Wenli Ting, the eleventh generation of the queen of the empire. It is said that the Emperor Ting Chong celebrated the birthday of his beloved Ting Ting together with the entire Zerg Star Ting. They also got married. Anniversary, this day is specially set as Zerg Ting love festival.

How popular is Wenli Festival in Zongxing? Every time Nishizawa logged on to Xingwang in the past week, there were almost no posts on the homepage of the forum except for discussing how to celebrate the Wenli Festival, how to invite your sweetheart to celebrate the Wenli Festival, and where to go to celebrate the Wenli Festival.

In addition, in order to create a festive atmosphere, the entire interface of the shopping website has turned pink, which made Caesar stunned. It seems that different races still have some commonalities in their perception of color.

Garda excitedly went on vacation with his female queen and cubs, but Ryan was still looking at Caesar expectantly, waiting for him to announce the arrangements for this weekend.

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