The Theater

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A/N: The characters is going to be so much out of character and I am so sorry but I try my best.

Nine was engrossed in his work when suddenly, he found himself transported to a theater room. Confusion washed over him as he took in the sight of the Chaos Council and the two leaders of the resistance.

"What... How... What is happening?!" Mr. Dr. Eggman shouted in disbelief.

"I have no idea, man, but they've arrived," Dr. Deep responded, his gaze fixed on the members of the resistance.

Unexpectedly, a purple hedgehog materialized out of thin air, wearing a mischievous smile. "Welcome to my theater," she announced with a hint of amusement.

"And today, you're going to react to someone," the purple hedgehog proclaimed, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Rebel turned to her companion, Knuckles, with a puzzled expression. "Who?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on the newcomer.

The girl grinned and replied, "To... Sonic the Hedgehog! The hero of the world."

Rusty interjected, "I don't have any record of a 'Sonic' in the city database."

Mr. Dr. Eggman chimed in with a smirk, "Well, if we're going to react to someone who isn't in our database, it could certainly be an interesting experience." Laughter erupted among the council members at the prospect.

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