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Her eyes were wide, taken aback by what her reading buddy said minutes ago.

Silent for almost five minutes, her lashes blink once, twice and she was stuttering.

"W..hat the..." Noor closed her mouth restraining herself from cursing. "I'm sorry, but did you mean Asad Ameen as in Asad Ameen Hamood, second of the Ameen brothers?" Asad chuckled and looks at his side, returned to looking at her surprised expression and shakes his head, answering her.

"Yes I'm." He quickly answered her knowing she can't see him, which breaks his heart into pieces.

"Oh wow, i don't know, during our encounter did i say anything bad about you?" Her eyes where still wide, those eyes that can made every living creatures melt, those eyes that can scold a person without him knowing they are blind, those beautiful eyes that can twinkle with excitement without seeing anything. "Oh i hope i didn't! I wouldn't want my sister to be fired because of my stupidity!" Noor whined with a pout.

However, Asad was lost in the eyes that can't see him, the eyes that can made him do many kind of things he never do.

"Uhmm tell me." She leaned forward so close to Asad's face. "Did i?"

Your handsome man rubbed his neck, temple, lean back, and clear his throat. 'What is happening to me?' His other self asked.

"Don't worry you don't," she leaned back and placed her head on the headrest with a sigh.

"Oh i hope so. I know how i blabbered!" It was quite for sometime; Asad scrolling down his phone, from time to time he looked at her, she was unusually quite and it makes him to think of a way to start a conversation.

'Today i regret being a blabber mouth!'

'What had you done Noor?'

'Just run away you idiot!!!'
She appeared calm but all these kinds of questions were screaming and vibrating in her head.

"I....," Asad starts, getting Noor's attention. "I mean you don't have to worry, I won't do anything, beside you don't do anything." He just wants her to be her usual self.

"You sure?"

"Yes, more than sure!" He shook his head as though Noor was seeing him. Noor, squeeze her mouth in a thinking manner.

"0k." She finally spoke, Asad let out a loud and deep sigh, grateful.

In no time Noor got back to her usual self, she was talking and giggling, while Asad enjoyed their conversation.

After they talked about their book, Noor starts asking him question because she really wants to understand him further, to know more about him apart from his habitual calm behavior.

"Ok tell me, what's your hobby?" She asked, placed her both hand on her seat and leaned slightly forward giving him all her attention.

"Well I don't have any specific hobby."

"Oh come on! There is no way you'll tell me you don't have anything you enjoy doing!" Noor smirk at him.

"Well i do enjoy working.." he smile. "Yes working is my hobby." He said while Noor sighed, unbelievably.

"0k let say you like working, that was before you met me, how about now? You know i had a tendency for changing people." She said cocky and overconfidently.

"I'm a witness and a victim." He mumbled and surprisingly Noor had him.

"Asad!" She was sulking on her seat, cutely.

"Ok sorry!"

"Since you agree, what is your hobby after you met me." Noor rolled her eyes before she mouth adamantly.

"Books.. but only if you're the reader." Asad murmured his voice deepening by his sincerity.

Noor was smiling widely, the two dimples on her cheeks appearing, she was clearly happy by his comment, she removed her hands from their position and ducked her head slightly her cheeks getting h0t, being a sight for Asad.

In the last two chapters they read, the female character was in love, he recalled how Noor read what the woman felt, how she act in front of the man and the way she speak to him.

The experience he had from that chapters, made him realized that Noor already snaffled away with his poor heart!

She had become a book he wants to open, to read and to understand!

A book he was now devoted to!

She had became the woman he wished to marry!

The woman he prayed to be his life partner!

The woman he wants to cherish, love, take care of and the mother of his children!

0h yeah he is in love💃🎊🥹



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