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"You all meet my girlfriend, Samaira!" He was glancing over at only Samaira, those words made Malika to jerk up from her seat, her eyes were widen, glancing at how close her husband and Samaira were.

"Hahaha!" Adnan laughed off, looking at his father. He looked at Ameer and gestured his finger towards Ameen. "This joke isn't funny at all!" He laughed again, making Aysher and Ameer to follow him.

Asad doesn't move a muscle, he was just looking at the figure of his father, trying to get something. The way Ameen was looking at his laughing siblings, made his heart flattered by the truthfulness of his father's words. 

It was silent for some minutes and along with Asad and Malika, Hajiya Kilishi, Ameer, Adnan and Aysher realized the situation, their father and Samaira..

Samaira and Zeenat kept roaming their eyes from Malika to her children, satisfied.

Aysher walked holding her phone in her hand, she used her empty hand and dragged Samaira away from her Dad. She was absolutely fuming, and who can blame her.

"How dare you hit on my dad, remember he might be close to your dad's age!" Aysher yelled, holding Samaira by her shoulder, Samaira turned to Ameen still in Aysher's hold.

She pout, seductively. "Baby, your daughter is very disrespectful to me!" She said, in a way Ameen couldn't resist.

He removed Samaira from Aysher's hold, and his palms were brushed harshly across Aysher's cheek. The sound of the clap made Malika to tremble back but hopefully Noor hold.

"Manners Aysher!" He said, angrily while looking at her.

Aysher raised her head, her hand on her cheek, tears rolling from her eyes.

"Dad!" The three brothers chores together, in disbelief.

Kilishi stand in front of her son and hold his hand.

"What is wrong with you son? Are you okay?" She asked, confused by her son's behavior, he was never like this to his children, especially Aysher.

"Mother how can she disrespect my soon to be wife!" He answered her, his eyes glancing at Aysher.

"Which wife?" Kilishi asked, now burning with anger. "You mean this girl? She's your son's age mate!" She gestured towards Samaira who shrugged, mockingly.

"Yes I'm getting married to her soon mother, your son will have a second wife, another daughter in-law for you." He smile.

Kilishi moved back away from him.

"You should stop this nonsense, My daughter in-law will only be Malika." She wiped away the tears that appeared on her cheeks.

"Malika tell mother to stop this, i know you'll support your husband. Made her understand that i really wants to add another wife." He speaks in Malika's direction, Malika finally raised her red-widened eyes and set them on Ameen.

They all knew by now it true, Ameen was either influenced or he's put under a spell.

Ameen walked to Malika and hold her hands. Zeenat at that time sat down, welcoming the entertainment of her dream while Samaira followed him and hold his bicep.

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