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It was time for dinner, every single soul in the Hamood mansion arrived at the dining hall, well...except for Mr and Mrs Asad Ameen.

Asad entered right in time, after greeting the elders his eyes starts hunting for his beloved wife but they couldn't find her.

"Where is his wife?"

"Why isn't she down for dinner yet?"

His piercing eyes were set on Kamila who was standing with Noor food next to her, faking waiting for her master when she knew what happened.

Her eyes looked at Asad, she ducked down. "Sir she's not down yet!" Before Asad answered her one of the workers came in, she was shaking as she brought the hottest gossip ever.

"Noor Ma'am is..she is.." she stuttered, nervously. Asad couldn't let her continue. He quickly ran out panicky.

What could've happened to his Noor?

They all followed behind him, some were worried while others were-of course satisfied and happy that the drama will begin.

Asad stopped midway as he spot Noor sitting on the stairs of the staircase. She was playing with her long hair, laughing and giggling.

Down, from the right side were all the housekeeper's souls, enjoying something unfamiliar in the mansion.

"Can...so..omeone call my hus..ban..d h..ushband for me!!" Noor stuttered making the people flinch.

"Noor!" Asad shout walking passed Malika. She quickly hold his hand, eyes on the scene she never believed she will witness in her life.

"Sh...S.ounds like him!" Noor placed her hand on the stairs rail, she stand after so much try, scrunching her face as she burst out laughing.

She starts walking down but tumble, her eyes seems to lag, tho she was trying to recall the steps and how she memorized them.

Kilishi looked at Asad whose eyes were on Noor, his mother holding him.

"What is wrong with Noor?" She asked no one in particular.

Zeenat smirk and starts to play her card.

"She's drunk, her true colors are finally out in the open!"

Balkees eyed the workers and gestured for Rayhana to deal with them, as shocked as they're, they need to do something.

Rayhana and her husband Adnan manage to send the workers away.

They stand on the workers spot and looked at Malika whose anger was evident, walking towards Noor.

Asad couldn't process what happened. Who had done this to Noor? He just watch as his mom go up to her.

"Noor what are you doing?" Malika said angrily, while Noor snickered at her dizzyingly.

Noor was now four stairs away, she leaned on the rails and chuckled, her hand on her face, she laughed as she removed them, she repeat the action again and again.

"M..moda in-law!" She blurt out, laughing. "U..you s..ould answer me happil..." before Noor continue her drunk blabbering Malika give her a tight and strong slap.

As drunk as she was, her trembling body moved with force, forehead smacked on the rails. Her body move without control as she was about to fall flat from the stairs to the floor, but before it happened her husband was there to hold her.

Noor's drunkard body was met with a hard muscle, a strong arm wrapped around her back and waist. She chuckled again as she smelled his cool cologne.

"Uh..uhmm?" She murmured as her eyes rolled back.

Asad placed her gently on the ground, his left hand still on her waist, he held her face with his right hand. His eyes turned a shade of red as he saw her swelling forehead and her cheeks which had the shape of Malika's five fingers.

"I can't believe she's drink in the Hamood household, how disgusting." Zeenat said sauntering to the spot where Asad was looking at frustrated Malika, hurtfully.

How could she hurt Noor?!

Malika was on the last steps, marking how her family were quite, especially Ameen and Kilishi!

The girl had crossed all her limits! No matter how they'll try this news must certainly be all over the world.

'The new daughter in-law of Ameen Hamood and Malika Hamood made a scene indoor as she was drunk!'

She is certain this will be the headline for tomorrow!

She made up her mind, her Asad's life will not be ruined due to Kilishi's selfishness, and she'll protect her family at any cost!

"I was forced to put off with this blind girl everyday, when you all know i hate her, looked at her Mother..." Malika said looking at Kilishi, she pointed towards Asad and Noor. "You keep on telling me I'll like, should i like this alcoholic daughter? should i watched her be the mother of my grandchildren?" She looked at confused Kilishi.

"Tell me mother!" Malika yelled for the first time to Hajiya Kilishi. "You know the reason why i hate lower people, they're cunning! they act all innocent and divine but they're planning on kill us slowly without our knowledge, this girl here," her eyes and finger were on Noor. "She starts her mission and it all thanks to your stubbornness, it all because you wants to see me down! Well done mother." She give her a thumb up with a hurtful smile.

"Mom, someone do this to my wife, and who ever he is will suffer the consequences." Asad spoke leaning now unconscious Noor's on his chest. He's now burning with anger, who ever is responsible for this will see the worst side of him!

He studied abroad and live with people who drink everyday, he smelled alcohol from Noor.

"Take her away from me Asad and make sure i never see her ever again, i wants you to sober her up and divorce her. Today!"

Hahaha 🤣
Is it over before it even begin?

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Balkeesatu ✍️✨

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