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They gathered around Noor's bed as the doctor was about to unwrapped her eyes. Noor clasped her hands as the most anticipated moment of her life is about to be revealed!

While on the other hand, Asad stood next to the bed, both hands on his waist; waiting patiently. He removed his right hand and rubbed his forehead as the doctor reached her hand forward to Noor....

Before Doc. Athena reached the bandage, Asad quickly grabbed Noor's hand and get hold of it gently and sat down.

"You can now open your eyes!" The doctor's word made Asad to opened his eyes, he set them on Noor who struggled to open her eyes.

Slowly, taking all her time because her eyes felt like fire in them, she manage to opened her eyes.

The darkness she felt and a sharp pain made her to instantly close her eyes, tightly....

"What is this Doctor?! It so painful! I can't see anything!!"

At home; at Waheeda's Marital household, they were waiting for Noor's video call. She promised to call them and that's why Hajiya, Jasrah, Mansour and Aunty Maryam, including some of their aunties and Noor's cousins gathered there.

They were ready and eagerly waiting.

"It's ok Noor, be strong and open your eyes."

Noor opened her eyes as Asad caresses her hand. Her vision was blurry and hazy for so seconds, but it managed to get better as her blind eyes starts to witness figures of people surrounding her. Though it was painful.

"Yes, just like that. Open it again."

The sentence and the prayer of Asad: her husband, her loved ones at home surprisingly including Malika, made Noor to opened her since-birth blind eyes.

"Oh, you did really great!" Athena looked at Asad. "She managed to opened her eyes widely. You're really strong." She beamed.

Her colleagues gave a round of applause as they congratulate both the patient and the doctor.

Asad detached his hand from that of Noor, he go down on his knees performing Sujud AsShukr: thanking the Almighty for making it a success, for without HIS help, Noor won't be able to see.

After he returned to his seat, Noor's eyes turned to the direction were she knew her Asad was.

It was like the world stopped as Noor as well as Asad's heart fluttered and beat crazily, it beats in such a way it never beat for them as she turned to set her eyes with her one true love.

Her hands landed on her heart at the same time her eyes met with Asad's. They widened as she sees a handsome man, but she quickly closed her eyes in pain due to how she widened them.

"Can someone tell me if this handsome man next to me is really my husband." Noor said, hand still on her heart, eyes closed.

They all chuckled answering her, after she took some second to adjust to the pain she raised her head and thanked the doctor..


After all the examination, telling them what to do and what not to do, Doctor Athena and her gang left the room.

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