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Asad sighed, nervously. He was waiting for Noor to come out and escort him in.

He looked at himself through the mirror of his car, wondering, even though Majeed told him he looked fine in casual Hausa clothes he wore, but he can't help it, it was the first time he's gonna visit Noor's family.

"I hope i look ok!"

The small ordinary gate was pushed getting Asad's attention, Asad was gazing at it intently, his heart fluttering rapidly as Noor came into view.

She slowly came out, her hand adjusting the veil draped over her shoulder. Everything stopped for Asad, his eyes were looking at the beautiful sight of Noor who was in a dark purple Ankara which sewn into a straight gown, her head wrapped in the gown's headgear, light purple veil, and plat shoes complete her look.

Asad couldn't took off his eyes, he was looking at her as someone precious to him, someone he wants to adore and cherish for rest of his life.

Noor followed the scent of his cologne, which she registered in her mind and heart. She welcome him with a small greeting, shyly, but she had nothing but the scent and the sound of his heart beat which she can hear from where she stood.

"Asad." Noor said loudly, which was enough for Asad to come out of his reverie. "Where are you?" Noor chuckled at him.

"Oh sorry, i was lost in the world you take me." He mumbled. "You are looking beautiful Noor!" Noor blushed, his complement making her the happiest person on earth.

"Thank you!" She states bashfully, she raised her eyes and narrowed them whilst Asad smile at how her expression changed instantly.

"Thinking of it, how did you know my address Asad?!" She interrogate innocently and playfully.

"Well i had my ways!" Asad followed her footsteps.

"Are you a stalker!" Her eyes were wide as she said those words mischievously.

"If you said so.." Asad chuckled his eyes never leaving her face.

"Lovebirds you're not to chitchat today." Noor smile hearing her Jasrah's voice.

They guide him inside, after he sat on a chair placed in the compound Jasrah leaved the two. "Noor i must say I'm really nervous." Asad states looking at the standing Noor.

"Well think of me, then you'll have confidence." He shakes his head but quickly answered her with his mouth. Watching her retreating back after she said she'll call her father, Asad sighed confidently.

Minutes later he spotted a man walking towards him who he believed was Noor's father. He instantly stand his head bow down, hand backward waiting for the brave and intimidating man who will arrive any second from now.

"Salam." Jameel Bilal said extending his hand towards Asad. Asad raised his eyes but without looking directly at him, he held the hand after saying his 'Salam.'

"Have a seat young man." Noor's dad offered after sitting on the other chair. His eyes on the young man who he already done a perfect background check on.

"Thank you!"

"Your the man who love Noor?" Jameel asked the obvious earning a nod from Asad.

"Yes father,"

"And you are serious?" He asked, his piercing eyes on the man who claimed to love his daughter.

"Yes every serious father. I love her." Asad said confidently though his eyes were not on Jameel.

"What if i disapprove of you?"

Oh no ! 😂

balkeesatu ✍️

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