you're a monster too.

5 1 0

you're a monster too.

i didn't saw you entering the door

but somehow you managed to walk into my life

like you've done it many times before.

and either way, i won't be surprised

because to speak the truth

my door has always been open for anyone

who wants to let the time pass by;

'cause i'm a living couch inside a high-ceiling domicile.

but there's a part of me that i'd rather keep hidden

a dark space with sign that says "DO NOT ENTER"

yet, like a snake crawling to the lands of Eden

somehow, you had the nerve to cross all of that trouble

just so you can squeeze your way through.

but now you've reached the room that's off-limits,

i wonder how my demons greeted you?

as i spent minutes staring to that door,

waiting for you to run out or

hear you scream to oblivion;

i just end up waiting, and waiting, and waiting for more

i didn't saw you coming out of the door

don't blame me if i already assumed the worst

but the next thing i knew,

you already had my monsters

bleeding on the floor.

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