Chapter 8 Mr Downes.

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Y/N couldn't sleep with many things on her mind.
She tossed and turned and thought about, her family and the ranch she used to live on and call home. She thought about the day it was all taken away.
Y/N thought about the letter her and Arthur discovered on the table at sixth point cabin.

Then Arthur, her mind always came back to Arthur.
Y/N smiled at the thought of him. Y/N couldn't help but, picture how he would sip his coffee in the morning, or tend to his horse Luna or seeing his smug smile whenever, uncle was trying to get some money out of him. She knew already he would always have her back, as she would for him.
She thought of everything that lead up to her being in camp and knew, this was where she belonged.
Before Y/N had realised it the morning sun began to make an appearance, and she decided to get changed and get ready for the day.

Waking up slowly Arthur's eyes adjusted to seeing ,Y/N place her saddle over Nero. After having a coffee and a quick shave, Arthur made his way to Luna and place his saddle over her, getting on her back and turned to Y/N saying.
"You ready to head out Little Miss?"
Y/N has a stern look and went.
"Not little miss but, yes I'm ready."
Arthur smirked and went.
"Nahh it is little Miss, come on let's go."
Both riding off Arthur and Y/N head to Mr Downes house to collect a debt.

Upon arrival Arthur looks to Y/N.
"Okay stay here. I'll be back shortly."
"Yes sir!" Y/N salutes Arthur.
Shaking his head and smiling Arthur Jumps down from his horse.
"Oh Mr Downes...."
No response, so Arthur tried again.
"Mr Downes."
"Yes sir that's me." "Cough, cough"
"Mr Downes you own me money."
Arthur then turns and goes from a carefree smile to hard and terrifying in seconds, making his way to the corn patch where he sees Mr Downes.

Y/N realises who that man was. She recognised him from Valentine.
Just close to the stables asking for charitable donations. Y/N knew exactly what was causing that man to cough like he was.
She knew exactly what illness he had because, her older sister had the same illness.
The start of how everything went wrong.

(Flashback to 3 years 6 months ago)
Pulling up to the ranch Y/N made Nero come to a complete stop. Jumping down she picks up the stag she caught for the next few meal times and place the stag on the ground.
This was the biggest stag Y/N had ever caught and she was proud of her work. Rushing inside to tell her father. Y/N runs to the kitchen and makes her way into the living room shouting.
"Pa pa, you need to see wha-"
Y/N froze when she saw a doctor, testing Ellie's vital signs and her breathing rhythm. She turned to see both of her parents holding one another. Muffled cries of her mother.
The the doctor began to speak to her sister.
"I'm sorry darling but, this is definitely Tuberculosis, it's a horrible disease and there is no remedy. The best option is to be kept comfortable. I'll give you an injection for energy today but, take it easy."
The doctor advised that the whole family wouldn't get too close, as it was highly contagious.
While Y/N's mother went to get Ellie another blanket.
Y/N turned to her father talking to the doctor about some other high end, professional doctor with more medical background in St Denis who could help your family, although the payment would be a lot more than what was offered at this moment.
End of flashback!

Snapping back out of it. Y/N sees Arthur beating up Mr Downes.
Before she realised what she was doing. Y/N jumps downs and bolts to Arthur running at full speed to stop him, she knew he was too close and would catch it.

"You borrowed money from my business partner Herr Strauss what's not-"
The next thing Arthur got pulled back by Y/N.
Mr Downes was coughing on the floor spitting blood on the ground.
Y/N looked at Arthur's face relief washes over her and she sees he didn't get any blood on him.
In a fit of rage Arthur yells at Y/N.
"What are you playing at?"
"He's dying." Tears filled her eyes and Arthur saw that and turned his back on Y/N, seeing Mrs Downes and her son run out. Arthur speaks.
"Like I said earlier we ain't no one's ideal charity GET US THE MONEY."
Arthur took off without waiting for Y/N, and galloped off in anger.
Y/N turned to see Mr Downes and gave Mrs Downes her broach her nana gave her. She hated to part with it but, she knew this family needed the money and she knew her nana would understand the reason for parting with it.
"Here take this."
Mrs Downes looks like she's about to protest but, Y/N interrupts.
"Don't be proud, I've been there it doesn't get you anywhere, take the broach it will help for paying back what you own but, do not say a word of this to anyone, do you understand?"
Mrs Downes Nods.
Y/N leaves and rides back to camp, apprehensive in what she will receive when she returns.

Camp arrival!
Y/N already sees Arthur jump down from his horse in anger.
Y/N jumps down and Arthur notices she's back turns to her and yells.
"What the hell do you think you where doing?"
"I told you to stay put! You didn't listen what gives you the right, to not only interrupt but, to pull me back like that?"
"You had no right!!"
At this point the whole camp has taken notice of Y/N's and Arthur's argument. They subtly pay attention, to what's being said.
"What?" Arthur looked confused.
"Tuberculosis is a horrible disease, there is no cure it kills everything inside of you over time, you would of died if I hadn't pulled you back. The only reason I know about it was because, my sister had it and I won't let someone else I know die from it too."
Y/N storms off to the edge of camp, sitting by a tree and pulling her body as close as she can to herself, placing her arms over her knees curled up she remembers her sister and starts to cry.
Hosea made his way over at this point.
Hosea turns to Arthur and says.
"She's right Arthur if that man was sick, and if he had coughed on you with blood, you'd of caught his disease."
Arthur's anger starts to fade.
Arthur sighs and says.
"I should apologise."
"Yes but, not right now leave her be. Have you been to rescue Micah yet?"
"No, I'll go now give Y/N some space. I won't be long."
"I'll tell Dutch your heading back out, see you later Arthur."
Arthur heads back to Luna and gets up on his saddle looking back to Y/N guilt starts to seep in.
He leaves quickly, so that once he's back he can apologise properly.

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