Chapter 22 Search and Rescue.

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The next morning Y/N stood out on the balcony while Arthur was still asleep. She watched some people still asleep others who got up and started, working until she realised Kieran wasn't by the horses like he normally is.
"Hmmm did he sleep in?"
Y/N got changed grabbed her hat and guns and made her way down the stairs.
Y/N sees Molly sat all alone in the corner.
"Miss Molly..."
No response.
"Miss Molly are you okay? Do you need anything? Cup of coffee I'm about to make one myself."
No response.
Y/N sees Molly staring out of the window, daydreaming. Y/N knows Molly deserved a better life than this.
She was also confused as to why she was downstairs, not upstairs in Dutch's room. It was fairly early in the morning. Y/N along with a few other members where the only people up and about.
Y/N walks over to the fire and pours some coffee in two cups, standing back up she looks around and still can't see Kieran anywhere.
"Oh thank you little miss, that for me."
Arthur grabs one of the coffee cups and drinks out of it.
Momentarily stunned Y/N frowns at Arthur.
"What? That wasn't for me." Arthur asks looking puzzled.
"No it wasn't you brute, it was for Molly. She's downstairs on her own, did you know that?" Y/N asks looking at Arthur.
"No, thought she'd be sleeping in Dutch's room."
"I thought so too also have you seen Kieran?"
"No, why?"
"He's not by the horses like he normally is."
"Why Miss?"
"Why do you care?"
" I care because, they are all members of this gang. Don't you dare look at me like that Arthur Morgan."
Arthur knew he gave a look but, didn't realise Y/N noticed.
"I care about them just like I care about you."
"Oh really? You care about Kieran in the same way you care for me yeah?"
"Yes, of course."
"Really think about what you are saying?"
Y/N looked down trying to think, till Arthur adjusted her hat to make her look at him.
"Think about what we did last night. You really care for Kieran in the same way."
Y/N blushed madly which made Arthur chuckle.
"Well... no of course that's different.. I'm just a little worried that's all." Y/N said in a soft tone.
"I know Y/N I'm just teasing you."
Arthur gets down to her level and starts to kiss her.
"Hate to break this up but, we need to head out Arthur." Trelwany came strolling over fixing his top hat.
Arthur let out a deep breath in frustration of being interrupted.
Both Arthur and Y/N turned to towards trelwany as she spoke up again.
"Here, I would of thought you'd kept this relationship a secret Arthur."
"Oh like how you keep secrets Trelwany."
"Meaning?" Asked Arthur.
"Meaning there might be a place in St Denis that if you turn down an alley way, walk up some stairs you might find something quite interesting, won't he Trelwany."
Flustered, Trelwany pushed Arthur's arms along to hurry him up, knowing full well what Y/N was talking about.
"Wait a second."
Arthur spun round and went.
"You not coming with little Miss? On this boat Job."
"I would but, I'm gonna find Kieran, ill take Charles with me too if he's up to it. I'll come with you on the trolly one, Dutch told me about. You go earn some money." As Y/N went to kiss Arthur she snatched her coffee cup back.
Arthur grabbed her hat and forced it down covering Y/N's eyes.
When she raises it back up she sees Arthur walking off smirking knowing he had last laugh.
Y/N shakes her head and washed the cup and pours a coffee for Molly.
She leaves it on the side and heads to the horses where Kieran was last seen.
"Hmmm footprints more than one."
Looking round she knows only Kieran comes to this part of camp, for the horses.
Y/N shouts to Charles who was about to walk in the house.
"Charles do you have a moment?"
"Course on my way."
Charles walks up and asks what's wrong. Y/N explains and he offers to help.
Both Y/N and Charles Mount up and head for the trees.
The trail leads them so a small camp where Kieran is being interrogated.
Y/N and Charles hide and behind a few trees.
Trying to listen to what was going on Colm was no where to be found.
"You traitor!!" One O'driscoll said.
"You spilled secrets, sixth point cabin, you also killed our brother." The other one spat.
"What are you thinking Charles?" Y/N said.
"Normally I wouldn't want to cause chaos but, the O'driscolls know you and there is enough to for us to take them out." Charles looked to Y/N and both nodded.
"Let's do this."
Next gun shots rain out. Leaving four O'driscolls already dead.
Both Y/N and Charles deal with the ordiscolls and while Charles checks for anymore coming.
Y/N cuts down Kieran.
"You don't look so good partner."
"I don't feel good either."
Y/N hooks her arm round Kieran and makes him do the same to her.
"Miss....Y/N I own... you."
"You can own me by not dying come on, pal one foot in front of the other."
Y/N knew that Kieran had been shot in the shoulder and the leg.
Placing him on Charles horse.
More O'driscolls show up.
"Go Charles get him out of here, I'll buy you some time."
"Y/N I don't think Arthur would care for me leaving you like this."
"Go I'll be fine, tell Arthur when we first met I rescued him I'm more than capable."
Charles gallops off, knowing Kieran wouldn't last much longer unless he left now.
Y/N ready's her gun and waits for the O'dricolls to get in her line of sight.

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