Chapter 25 The Bank Robbery Downfall.

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The next morning everyone dresses up to the nines. In suits and dresses making sure they aren't recognised.
On the way there Dutch's voice booms out with confidence.
"This is it everyone one more time!"
"One more time."
Arthur repeats to himself.
"Why is she here?"
Micah says with a pout.
"Because, I asked her to be."
Dutch says in a harsh tone.
That made Micah shut up instantly while frowning at Y/N.
Y/N smiles at Micah, not only to piss him off but, to show that knowing Dutch spoke for her was all she needed to know that she was trusted and for Micah to back off.
Everyone slowly makes their way through town.
Once they hitch up everyone grabs their guns and heads to the bank slowly to not raise any suspicions.
"Wait for Hosea to do his thing."
Not long after everyone hears a loud Bang!
Dutch laughs and says.
"I love that Hosea."
Everyone covers their faces and bursts into the bank.
Arthur heads to the safes and find out the combination.
While Arthur takes the money.
John shouts that there is trouble.
Y/N is watching from the window and sees that the Pinkertons have Hosea.
Y/N turns to Dutch and says.
"Keep him talking."
"Where do you think your going?"
Arthur says grabbing her arm.
"To save Hosea."
"Let her go Arthur."
Dutch commands.
Arthur let's go and says.
"You watch your back Little miss."
"I will."
Y/N slowly moves to the side door round the wagon and sees three men by the side of agent Milton.
Y/N grabs out her throwing knifes and waits for Dutch's signal.
"Get out here Dutch, get out now it's over."
Dutch looks to Y/N and she nods.
After Dutch and agent Milton go back and forth.
Agent Milton pushes Hosea. Hosea walks a few steps and Y/N acts quickly throwing her knifes and all three men then aiming her Gun at Milton.
Milton panics dropping his gun and everyone starts to shoot.
Hosea runs inside the bank and hides behind the desk, catching his breath.
Y/N is still behind the wagon and Milton manages to escape.
"Come on Y/N."
Says Arthur in a worried tone. He shoot's her some space and she runs inside.
"Arthur you alive?"
"Just about."
"Get over here."
Dutch commands it and Arthur made sure Y/N followed him.
Dutch commands Arthur to blow a hole in the wall.
Then he turns to Y/N.
"If we make it out of here alive, Y/N I'll be internally in your debt thank you."
Y/N nods and soon the wall goes off with a bang.
Arthur heads up the ladder and shoots people to make sure he can get everyone covered.
Arthur shoots everyone some space and everyone heads up the ladder. To join Arthur.
Y/N joins his side and they both shoot, from the roof making sure everyone can make it up safely.
"Arthur we lost John.."
"No arrested i couldn't help."
"Well we better go we will be next."
Arthur and Lenny head to the next roof to find cover. Y/N follows and sees the door open.
She grabs her gun and shoots one of the men in the chest. The man still firing shoots his gun but, in Lenny's shoulder.
The other man dies instantly from Arthur shooting him first.
Lenny falls down and Y/N runs up to him.
"Kid you okay?"
"Ahhh I...I don't.."
"You'll be fine."
Y/N rips part of her skirt and placed the fabric round his shoulder tightly. The other man run and jump over the roof, Arthur, Hosea and Dutch wait for Y/N and Lenny.
Lenny tries to push Y/N and she doesn't move.
"Not a chance kid."
The next thing is Y/N is lynched by the neck causing her to fall back.
One of the men tries to choke her and Arthur's rage is unlike anything Dutch and Hosea have ever seen.
Arthur shoots all three men in the blink of an eye.
Arthur runs to Y/N and tried to pull her to come along.
"No Arthur."
Arthur spins round and says.
"Lenny and Hosea won't make it if we carry on like this, I'll find somewhere for us to hide and we will head back to camp once things have died down."
"No Y/N."
"This is this safest way, I'll be fine."
Dutch places a hand on Y/N's shoulder and says.
"I won't forget what you have done here today my dear. Be safe."
"And you."
Y/N turns to Arthur. And Arthur battles in his head not to leave her.
"Go!! I know we will find each other again."
Arthur in that second doesn't give a damn what others think and kisses Y/N as a form of promise they will see each other again.
"You stay safe, do you understand me?"
"Yes, I promise as do you."
Arthur then leaves and follows the other men over the roof tops.
Y/N grabs her gun and shoots the men coming up the stairs.
Putting her arm round Lenny she makes him walk with Hosea covering them.
The three of them find and abandoned shop and stay there till night fall.

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