Chapter 11 Oil wagon.

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After the walk up back from the River, both Y/N and Arthur hand the laundry baskets back to Miss Grimshaw.
"See now that wasn't so bad was it you two."
Groaning both Arthur and Y/N wished that they don't have to do that anytime soon.
Getting there attention John calls to Arthur and Y/N to talk about the train Robbery.
"Hey Arthur, Y/N."
"What do you want?" Says Arthur.
"Uncle told me something about a train."
"What did he say?"
"Mary-Beth over heard something about a train, full of wealthy folk rolling down through scarlet meadows, just south of state border."
"You need help with it?"
"I ain't even sure about doing it."
"Come on at night not too guarded, it's perfect."
"I ain't thought it through, stopping a train pain in the ass."
John then hit Y/N's arm to get her to speak up.
"Well... what if we could force the train to stop."
Arthur stops and says.
"Well, of course."
Y/N then looks to John as she knows, it was all his idea to begin with, so he should say the idea.
"We get a wagon, full of something flammable, oil put it on the tracks. They see it, they know they either have to stop, or die."
Y/N talks and says to both John and Arthur.
"There ain't no train driver that wants to be cooked alive."
Arthur thinks for a second and then says.
That is.. kind of brilliant. Uhh for you both of ya, I think that's the first time you both had a real idea."
Y/N and John look at each other, Y/N laughs as she looks down and John goes.
"Shut up Arthur."
"You might be the first bastard, to ever have half his brains eaten by a wolf and end up more intelligent. And you." Arthur says pointing at Y/N.
Y/N gave a hard look, raised her eyebrow as if to say "watch it."
"Well you must be running the operation, I sure know he couldn't think of this on his own."
"So we doing it?" John asks.
"Yeah, we're gonna need some ammunition, guns look real frightening and some dynamite, to open up the train."
"I'll get the supplies, I have to head into town anyways for Abigail, don't even ask. You and Y/N go get the oil wagon."
"Yeah I know just the place, there always heading into that refinery."
"There's an old rundown shack just over the border, north of a place called Dewberry Creek, leave it hidden somewhere near there."
Arthur turns to Y/N with a smirk and says.
"You placed that in this head didn't you?"
"I dunno, what your talking about it was all his idea, I just gave a nudge anyways shall we go?"
Walking off to Nero. Arthur follows along behind her with a smile.

Arthur and Y/N arrive at the refinery, trotting along the side as to not be seen by the guards. Both Y/N and Arthur jump from their horses grab their guns and pull up their bandanas.
"Okay give me leg up."
"Give me a leg up, over the fence Arthur."
Arthur then can't help but, snicker at Y/N.
Crossing her arms Y/N looks at Arthur and says.
"Nothin, it's just you really are a Little Miss ain't you."
Y/N flicks Arthur's hat to stop him from smirking at her.
"Just put your hands together will ya."
Arthur bends his knees and places his hands together. Y/N then climbs in his hand and pulls herself over the fence.
Arthur is the next to climb over and he joins Y/N behind some tree logs.
"So Arthur what's our plan here? To walk up to the wagon like we own it, then go out guns blazing? Or do you want me to distract the guards, while you steal the wagon and I'll hop on?"
Arthur looked around and noticed three guards by the entrance, he knew it would make it impossible for both to just stroll up."
"I think this calls for a distraction, you a better actress than a gunslinger?"
Y/N smirked pulled down her bandana, gave Arthur her guns and ripped part of her shirt, to look like she had been in a fight."
"I'm literally walking out there with no guns, I never do that so be quiet and be quick."
"Course what do you take me for?"
"I don't think you want me to answer that." Y/N says with a smirk.
"Pffttt go to work Little Miss."
Y/N leaves the clearing. Hears one of the guards talking.
"Hey Jack, your wife accuse you of cheating again last night?"
"Hell yeah she did, I only went to the saloon ya know how it goes."
"I hear that, women!"
"Thank you boys." Says Y/N.
Y/N covers small parts of her legs and arms in mud and staggers over to the guards causing a scene.
Y/N catches everyone's attention and a small crowd starts to gather.
"Wooowww Jack you did that?"
"What?? No! I have never seen her before."
"Poor girl what a state, Jack your heartless bastard." Another worker stated.
Arthur slows makes his way to the oil wagon and sits down on the seat grabbing the reins.
Arthur, forces the horses into a gallop in the opposite direction outside of the refinery.
Just then one of the guards wife comes with lunch and sees the commotion.
Y/N tells her what happened.
Then another fight broke out.
"How dare you Jack, I knew I was right!!"
"No Margret, I never seen her before!"
Slowly leaving Y/N hops on the wagon as Arthur, makes the horses gallop off.
"Well look at you, you like home wrecker."
Y/N sits along side Arthur and collects all her stuff back.
"Well at least no one died for this oil wagon."
"No but, I wish I had some popcorn for that show."
"Oh shut up and let's get to that location, ughhh I need a bath and a new shirt."
Parking the wagon both Arthur and Y/N let two of the horses loose.
"I'm gonna go and freshen up, I'll meet you back here later on."
"Okay, I'm gonna go tell John we got the wagon, be safe Little Miss."
"You too Arthur."
Y/N whistles for Nero, then heads to valentine for a bath.
Arthur watches her ride off and whistles for Luna and head back to camp.

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