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Author's note:

GUYS!! I'm doing this on mobile atm so I mixed up the chapters and ended up posting the wrong one. It should be in order now, please tell me if this happens again (like when a chapter doesn't make sense) !!


The sun is setting and Madison catches herself peeking outside of her door to check if Michael is sitting there.  A moment later she scolds herself for doing it because there’s no legit reason for him coming back; he just used her to run away from whatever trouble he probably had, so now he went to sort it out and Madison isn’t important anymore. She can feel the anger boiling up in her veins because she hates people walking all over her. She used to let them do it when she was younger, but now that she knows more about life she also knows that people like Michael are nasty and she shouldn’t surround herself with them at all. Madison is an expert at ignoring feelings until they go away, so she picks a random movie from her collection, gets the ice cream she bought last night and settles down on the couch. She doesn’t need company, especially not when it falls asleep during the best parts and then randomly disappears. Something keeps nagging at her mind though, so once the movie is over and she’s ready for bed, she walks to the door once again, expecting an empty hallway. However, her expectations aren’t exactly reality: Michael is sitting on the floor again, his back leaning against the wall. For a moment she considers letting him stay there the whole night but then he turns his head around to rummage through his pocket and she notices his chapped lip.
“What the fuck happened?” she asks as she opens the door and steps outside to check on him. Only now she smells the strong scent of liquor radiating from his body combined with a not so strong scent of puke.
Michael looks up to her with glazed eyes and shakes his head.
“Dunno… drank a lot… told Luke he’s a dickhead… I was right to say that, wasn’t I? He’s a fucking asshole for treating me like that, he’s supposed to be my friend…” he slurs and stares on his hands.
Only now Madison notices how bruised his knuckles are, so she grabs him and tries to pull him up.
“Get on your feet, Michael” she hisses and drags him inside with all the strength she has. He doesn’t really cooperate though but keeps mumbling how this Luke is a bad person for whatever reason.
Madison manages to guide him into the bathroom where she sits him down on the toilet lid and grabs a wash cloth.
“Honestly Michael, was that necessary?” she groans as she begins to wash the crusted blood off his face, “take off your shirt, please.”
Suddenly he shakes his head violently, his eyes barely open.
“No, don’t wanna.”
“I have to check if you have any more bruises that need to be cleaned,” she tries to reason with him but it’s no use.
“No, don’t look at my body it’s fucking gross” Michael states, “please just let me sleep.”
Madison suppresses a sigh, grabs Michael’s arm again and drags him to the living-room. Once he’s lying on the couch, she tucks him in and places a bucket next to him.
“Just in case” she tries to joke but the sight of him hurts her more than anything.
His lips are swollen, his knuckles have turned into a purple, greenish color and she can only imagine the damage underneath his shirt.

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