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Ed Sheeran - Drunk // Give Me Love

The Script - Before The Worst

Coldplay - Clocks

All Time Low - A Daydream Away

Bring Me The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart


It's been three weeks since Michael has showed up at Madison's place, which isn't that unusual. What's unusual is that he hasn't been showing up to class either. It's driving her crazy not to know if he's okay or if something happened to him, so in week four without him at class, something in her snaps and Madison pays the secretary a visit. She's not a friend of lousy excuses and this is clearly an act of desperation, but she clears her throat once she stands at the counter.
"How can I help you?" the lady asks with a friendly smile.
Madison takes a deep breath, throws all of her last hesitations over board and explains: "There's this guy in my class who hasn't showed up in four weeks and I'm starting to be really worried about him. I can't check on him either because I don't have his number and I don't know where he lives."
The lady's smile turns from friendly to pitiful in a second and she looks like someone watching a romantic movie. Madison feels the strong urge to shake that woman because this isn't cute or a movie; she's genuinely worried about Michael.
"Who are you talking about, dear?" the lady now wants to know.
"Michael Clifford" Madison spills out his full name like it's been burning her tongue, like she was going to choke on it sooner or later.
"And you're worried because he hasn't been here in a month?" the woman repeats while staring at the screen of her computer and typing in his name.
"Yeah..." Madison looks down on her feet so her long curls fall into her face like a curtain and hide the fact that she's blushing. This is so embarrassing, what is she even doing?
Before Madison can run away though the secretary is back at the counter and slides a piece of paper towards her.
"This is all I can tell you. I'm surprised you didn't find it out yourself, I thought kids these days are so into facebook and google and all of that?"
Madison mumbles a quick thank you before she hurries out of the building and jumps into her car. The address is at the other side of the city, and due to the usual madness on the roads it takes her almost two hours to get there. The neighbourhood doesn't look so bad, but her stomach is churning by now and her brain is telling her to leave. She needs to know that Michael is okay, that he just found something better to waste his time on, so she walks up onto the fourth floor where he apparently lives. Madison is almost relieved when nobody opens the door, but the nagging feeling in her gut won't go away. She sits down on the floor and wraps her arms around her legs. She checks her phone for messages she wouldn't receive anyway. She waits until her butt hurts so she gets up again, she waits until her feet are sore so she sits back down. This is clearly a waste of time but at least it gives her the illusion of looking for Michael. She waits until she finally hears footsteps on the stairs and a moment later there's a very tall, skinny boy with blond hair and a lip ring walking towards her. His blue eyes are piercing into hers before he examines her from head to toe and grunts: "Calum isn't home."
Madison doesn't know who Calum is and she doesn't care either; she has figured by herself that he isn't home.
"Okay. What about Michael?"
The boy was going to unlock the door but now his movements freeze.
Still with his back to her, he hisses: "He doesn't live here anymore."
"His name is still on the bell, that's why..." Madison tries to defend herself but she's interrupted.
"What do you want? I already told you that he moved out, so leave okay?"
She stares at his broad back, the black skinny jeans and suddenly something in her brain clicks.
"You're Luke" she claims and he finally turns around. His jaw is clenched, his gaze sinister. He snorts.
"Did he send you to say sorry on his behalf? I don't wanna hear it. I don't want anything from him anymore, I don't care. He won't ever be able to pay me back anyway, so just tell him to get the fuck out of my life. Same goes to you, fuck off."
Without another word Luke proceeds to unlock the door and it shuts with a bang.

Author's note:

Yo we're starting to get closer to the details I hope y'all are excited because I am !!
(pls rate/comment/talk to me!! and thanks to those of you who already do that!)

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