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Madison is changing into more comfortable clothes when the door bell rings. It doesn't just ring once or twice though, but at least ten times.
"Relax, I'm coming! For God's sakes" she shouts to make the ringing stop but it won't. It only stops when she tears open the door to find Michael standing there. He's wearing a shirt of Madison's favourite band but she keeps her mouth shut about it. There's an awkward silence until she props her hands on her hips and looks up to him.
"Yes? What's so important that you ring like the whole building is on fire?"
Michael blushes and bites his lip, but he gains his confidence back quickly.
"You kinda lost your phone in the parking lot and I figured that you'd rather have it back than some creep steal it."
He hands her the phone and immediately turns away to leave. Madison is the one to blush now and she mumbles a thank you while putting the phone in her pocket.
"I thought you left earlier today?" it suddenly comes to her mind.
Michael nods.
"Well if you left earlier then how did you find my phone?"
She narrows her eyes and Michael chuckles.
"You're really nosy, aren't you."
"And you're a jerk" she shoots back and shuts the door in his face.
Her face is still burning when she hurries back into the kitchen to get some water. It was nice of Michael to give her phone back, so why did he have to ruin everything again by not answering her questions? He never answers any of them unless they're irrelevant - she knows that he likes chocolate ice cream and video games but doesn't know why he's so moody grumpy.

Author's note:

Hi everyone, this got a few more reads and even votes so thanks for that!! I have a question for you: why do you think Michael is this careful and keeps Madison at a distance?

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