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The sun shinning through the window is what first woke Yoongi, Rolling over to get away from the light he felt a sharp pain run through his hips."uuughhhh. Holy...." Deciding moving was a bad idea he just laid there and looked up at the ceiling. Starting to remember what happened the night before, Yoongi slowly started to smile. Never in his life had he thought he could of felt like that, Taehyung had made him feel so special, so cared for that Yoongi couldn't wait to see him again.

A soft knock on the door alerted him of company, the door opened admitting Minjae with a breakfast tray, sitting up slowly Yoongi rearranged the covers to hide his nakedness. "Good morning Master Yoongi. While you eat your breakfast I will run your bath for you and lay out your clothes. Will there be anything else you will require?" The look on Minjae's face plainly told Yoongi that the Butler would rather be doing anything else but serving him made him feel unwanted and small.

Hanging his head he spoke softly." thank you, do you know if Taehyung is home?" He hadn't wanted to make a fool out of himself but he needed the reassurance that he wasn't alone with just the Butler. "The Master has left for the day, he informed me that he would not be home until this evening. Will that be all?"" Yes thank you" Letting out a deep breathe he watched as Minjae entered the bathroom.

The day dragged by slowly, with nothing to do Yoongi decided to go and check out the gardens. He was amazed at the beauty of it all, rose bushes, azaleas carnations and lots more all in bloom. True to his word Taehyung had someone following him around. It was unsettling to have a shadow over his shoulder the whole time he walked around, but Yoongi decided it wouldn't let it interfere with his time out there. Noticing a stone bench he sat down to just relax and admire the view.

Yoongi didn't know how long he sat there but it was long enough to watch the sun slowly disappear. Hearing footsteps he turned, taking a sharp breathe his eyes locked onto Taehyungs. "I see your enjoying the gardens. But it's dinner time so come and join me." With that he walked away back towards the house fully expecting Yoongi to follow him, Sighing he got up and followed.

Dinner that night was tense to the point that Yoongi had lost his apatite, all he could think about was last nights dinner conversation and what happened afterwards. Did Taehyung expect the same thing again. In a way he wish it did, to feel all that pleasure made his heart beat faster. Taehyung was looking at him with a thoughtful gleam in his eyes. "How are you feeling this evening?"

Nearly dropping his glass Yoongi shaking hand put it down gently. "Okay, you weren't there this morning when I woke up. I thought....it's just that......never mind" Stupid stupid, he had to go and open his big mouth and make a fool of himself. Pushing away from the table he ran out and went to his room, slamming the door shut he throw himself on the bed. How he wished he never opened his mouth, of cause Taehyung didn't feel the same. To him Yoongi was just a piece of property, something he could use whenever he wanted.

The bedroom door flow open and slammed into the wall making Yoongi jump, before he could turn he was pinned to the mattress, Taehyungs body covering him. "Did I say you could leave the table? I told you yesterday that you only duty was to do what I allowed. Did you think that had changed?" Yoongi was scared out of his mind. The anger was pouring off Taehyung, making him so frightened he couldn't even move even if he wanted to.

Hands were suddenly tearing at his clothes, harsh breathing in his ear sending shivers of fear down his back, Yoongi started to cry out as he felt something hard at his backside. "Don't... PLEASE DON'T" Pain exploded through his back, Taehyung thrusting inside him over and over, "your mine, DO YOU HEAR ME? MINE!" Yoongi was screaming in pain trying to get away but Taehyung was to strong, finally he felt him stiffen and let out a load moan and collapsed on his back, His breathed hard in Yoongi ear Taehyung whispered "Never forget that you belong to me." Moving off him he readjusted his clothing and left without a word.

Crying into the pillow Yoongi pulled the covers over himself, curled into a ball and wished he had never met the man that had just hurt him.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Taehyung is bad! how could you rape our Yoongi ✧ ˚ · .

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