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Waking up to the smell of coffee Yoongi slowly opened his eyes, looking around he saw a breakfast tray sitting on the side table next to the bed. He noticed Minjae tiding up his room quietly so he sat up and reached for the coffee cup on the tray. Sipping the coffee he watched the Butler move around, feeling unsure he cleared his throat, Minjae turned with a raised eyebrow. "Can i help you with anything Master Yoongi?"

"N-no, um..thanks for breakfast." Lowing his head to hide his face, Yoongi grabbed the tray and dug into the bacon and eggs on his plate. When finished he rose out of bed and went to the bathroom. After concluding his morning business Yoongi got dressed, but unsure what do sat back on the bed and waited for Minjae to leave.

Yoongi recalled the night before, hitting Taehyung and breaking down like a baby. He was so confused, Taehyung acted like he regretted what he did but Yoongi wasn't going to trust the other man. No one changed that quickly. Taking a deep breath he walked out of his room and headed to the Gardens. Upon reaching the doors leading outside he noticed he wasn't alone. Of cause nothing had changed.

Going to the bench Yoongi sat and tried to ignore the man. So many thoughts were running around his head, what was he suppose to do? He couldn't leave, he had nowhere to go. If he went to his father Yoongi know he would just be brought straight back. But how could he stay after everything that had happened. Trying to sort everything out was giving him a headache so he went back inside.

Not ready to face Taehyung, Yoongi avoided the study and went back to his room. Laying down and curling around a pillow he closed his eyes to try and rid himself of his headache.

He must of fallen asleep because the next thing Yoongi know was hands gently shaking him, Green eyes were the first thing he saw, gasping in fear he pulled away from the other man. "What d-do you want?" Not taking his eyes of him Yoongi left the bed and retreated to the other side of the room.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought you might like to go for a drive today. I have to meet a client near the beach and was wondering if you would join me?" Looking at him Yoongi tried to see a hidden agenda, but all he saw was a genuine desire for his company. Wondering if he was making a mistake he took a chance and nodded.

"Okay, we leave in thirty minutes. Pack some swimming trunks and a towel. When your ready meet me out front" With that left the room.

Yoongi legs started shaking so bad that he could no longer hold himself up, he slid down the wall. "What the hell am i doing!" Holding his head in his hands Yoongi took long deep breaths to try and calm himself down. "I can do this" Getting back to his feet he managed to get ready.

Laying on a towel Yoongi watched some children play in the sand, squealing when the water reached them. Smiling he rolled over, laid his head on his forearms and finally started to relax, Taehyung's had dropped him of here a couple of hours ago saying that he would be back later and left for his meeting. he was surprised that Taehyung had left him alone but he wasn't going to look for a trouble today. It was a beautiful day and Yoongi intended to enjoy it while he could.

He felt warm hands running up his back sending chills all through his body. Jumping up he was about to start yelling at however touched him but the words caught in his throat when he saw Taehyung casually laying next to him. His mouth went dry at the bare chest on display, lowing his eyes he looked lower following the happy trail that disappeared at the edge of Taehyungs trunks, Blushing bright red Yoongi turned away. Hearing a chuckle Yoongi blushed even more.

Taehyung rose to his feet and put his hand out. "Come join me for a swim" Eyeing the hand warily Yoongi slowly placed his own in the much larger one. Pulling him up but not letting go of Yoongi hand Taehyung lead him to the water. Swimming and splashing around for a while Yoongi realized he was having fun. A large wave hit him unexpectedly and he swallowed some saltwater causing him to choke and cough. Staggering on to shore Yoongi laid down trying to get his breath back.

Taehyung rushed over falling to his knees next to him. "What happened? Are you alright? God I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching close enough." Helping him to his feet he led him back to the towels and looked him over to make sure he was alright. "Can I get you anything? Do you want to leave?"

Yoongi looked at him puzzled, Taehyung was acting so different. It was confusing him. The breakfast in bed, the day out and now being all concerned. Yoongi didn't know what to make of it. Getting air back into his lungs he sat up and face Taehyung head on.

"What's going on Taehyung? Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? You treat me like crap and now what, you've grown a conscience and everything changes. Tell me what's going on."

Taehyung turned and looked at him, taking Yoongi hand in his own he raised to his mouth and kissed it. "Last night, seeing you like that was heartbreaking. I've never felt so ashamed in my life. I know I've hurt you badly and don't deserve your forgiveness, but if you give me another chance I'll do anything."

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐Tbc_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

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