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The days passed slowly for Yoongi, after the night Taehyung came to the room he had withdrawn. After Taehyung warned him that night, he did as he was told, without question or protest, Taehyung didn't come to his room anymore but Yoongi just waited by his bed every night in fear. He didn't think he could go through something like that again. He hoped Taehyung cared but after what he did he knew he was just a piece of property.

A week later Yoongi was called into the study, walked in and took his seat but kept his eyes on the ground as he waited for Taehyung to speak. It was quiet for a few seconds, but he couldn't look up. He had not been able to look at this man since that night.

Hearing a loud bang Yoongi jumped, his surprise turned to fear until he began to tremble. "LOOK AT ME!" Taehyung was standing right in front of him, his eyes blazing with anger. He took a deep breath and leaned on his desk, "All week you've been walking around this house like a fucking zombie, not talking to anyone and Minjae has told me that you haven't been eating properly. I'm not going. . . to put up with it anymore. . . This childish act must end now"

Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing, after the way Taehyung had treated him did he expect him to just forget it had ever happened. The fear was replaced with anger as he shot out of his chair sending it falling to the floor. He stormed over getting right in his face and slapped him as hard as he could. "FUCK YOU! YOU WANT ME TO JUST GET OVER IT, LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED. YOU RAPED ME"

Yoongi was so angry that he didn't notice Taehyung's changed expression. Suddenly he was lying on the ground with another man straddling him holding his hand above his head. Struggling to get Taehyung off of him he kicked and kicked but he was too strong. "LEAVE ME, WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" Losing his strength he stopped struggling and started crying, Why can't you just leave me alone" Turning his head to hide his face Yoongi just totally broke down.

Feeling the weight lift of him, Yoongi rolled to his side pulled his knees up to his chest curling in on to himself. The hands that were holding him now were gentle, the other man lifted him up and slowly began to walk to Yoongi bedroom. When he saw his bedroom door he tensed up and tried to get down, "sshh, it's ok. I'm just going to put into your bed. I won't do anything." As he was placed on the mattress Taehyung took his shoes off and pulled the covers over him.

The bed moved as he felt one arm closing around him while the other raised up and Taehyung started to stroke his hair softly. Taking deep gulps of air he tried to get his crying under control, turning to face him, Yoongi studied the man next him. Confusion battled with fear as he tried to understand what was going on. He could see the dark red hand print on Taehyungs cheek and felt shamed that he actually had hit him. He had never in his life hit someone before. Why was Taehyung being so gentle with him now? Too much was going in his mind and it finally was too much for him. Closing his eyes,Yoongi let out a deep sigh and drifted into sleep

He didn't hear Taehyungs quiet sobs or the softly spoken "I'm so sorry" Nor did he feel the light brush of lips on his forehead.

Taehyungs POV

After he left the sleeping young man Taehyung returned to the study, walking over to where he kept his liquor he poured himself a scotch and downed it in one swallow. Feeling the burn in his stomach he refilled his glass and drank again. Grabbing the bottle he went to his desk and sat down. Shame and self hatred made his gut churn. How could he treat someone so special like that.

All his life Taehyung had always gotten what he wanted, either in business or his personal life he had taken without thought or consideration for anyone else, "Selfish fucking bastard" Pouring more scotch he let the tears fall, how did he let himself get so low. Forgoing the glass he drank straight out of the bottle. He had hurt that precious young man so much, treated him like a worthless pet, Taehyung didn't know if Yoongi would ever forgive him but he would do anything to make it up to him.

Picking up the scotch he went to suite and readied himself for bed. By this time the bottle was just about empty. swaying on his feet Taehyung changed direction and ended up standing at Yoongi door. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, like an angel. He didn't deserve what he had done to him, nobody did. How was he going to fix this, if he even could. Letting out a deep sigh Taehyung walked over to the bed and laid down next to the sleeping man. "You are so beautiful" That was the last thought before he joined Yoongi in sleep.

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